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May 24-26
30- Mine!

May 6, 1947

Colonel Leon Gray
First Fighter Group
March Field, California

Dear Colonel Gray:

On April 4, 1947, I addressed the following letter to you:

"At long last we have received the plaque which you won in the Bendix Trophy Race last year. It is a very beautiful thing and I hope you will like it.

The question now is where and when to present it to you. I wondered if you had any plans to come to Wright Field, Cleveland, or Detroit, so we could arrange some proper form of dinner or other means of presentation.

Mr. Benjamin T. Franklin, of Cleveland, will be glad to arrange for a presentation there, or we could do the job in Detroit.

The Aero Club of Michigan is conducting what is known as Michigan Aviation Week between May 24 and June 1. Included in the activities will be an aircraft show at the Detroit City Airport hangar, an Intercollegiate Flying Meet at Ann Arbor, and the dedication of Willow Run Airport which has been taken over by the University of Michigan. In addition there will be various aviation functions held by various clubs. 

Several of these meetings might be used as vehicles for the presentation but we will naturally wait to hear from you as to your plans so far as you know them."

Either the letter has gone astray or you haven't yet been able to formulate your plans. Recently I happened to meet Major General O'Donnell, whom I have known for many years, in the Recess Club in Detroit. I mentioned the fact that we would like to make a presentation of the plaque to you. This morning I received the following letter from General O'Donnell, a copy of which may have already reached you:

Transcription Notes:
I don't know how to add the big COPY in the middle.