Viewing page 40 of 118

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Associated Press [cut of word]
[cut off text] and her husband, Jess Barker, screen [cut off text]
[cut off text] are shown with their 14-week-old twi[cut off text] 
[cut off text] who have inherited their mother's red [cut off text]

[cut off text]on Peace Draft [cut off text]
Hierarchy Would Po[cut off text]
Until After W[cut off text]

[cut off text]on, June 7 (A. P.).-[cut off text]
[cut off text]e draft legislation [cut off text]
[cut off text; likely "hie"]rarchy in the Unit[cut off text; likely "ed States"]
[cut off text] Committee e[cut off text]

[cut off text] of Catholic a[cut off text]
[cut off text] shops were st[cut off text]
[cut off text]to Represen[cut off text; likely "tative"] 
[cut off text] Va. the the co[cut off text]
[cut off text] Mgr. H[cut off text]
[cut off text] secret [cut off text]


[cut off text] TEA CO.
[cut off text] Foods

[[2 row, 5 column list with the 3rd and 5th column being enlarged and bolded prices in cents and the 1st 2nd and 4th column appearing to be squished onto two lines, while the 3rd and 5th fit two-lines worth of space]] 

[cut off text]us [[text directly below]]-ishes | 8oz. [[text directly below]] pkg. | 6c | 1 Lb. [[text directly below]] pkg. | 11c | 
[cut off text]ishing [[text directly below]] Wholesome | 8oz. [[text directly below]] pkg. | 6c | 1 Lb. [[text directly below]] pkg. | 11c |
[[2 row, 3 column continuation of previous list]]
[cut off text]ston Style" | 17.(1/2) oz. jar | 10c |

[cut off text] In a delicious Tomato Sauce | 18 oz. can | 9c |
[[Previous list then grows 4th column on left as more of the paper is revealed, now list is 3 rows and 4 columns, an extension on top of continuation of previous list]]
[cut off text]d | Not too sharp | 9 oz. jar | 9c |
[cut off text]-Wheat | Wheat 14 oz. Farina pkg. [[directly below]] | 8c | 28 oz. pkg. [[directly below]] | 14c |
[cut off text]rkle Puddings | Chocolate, Vanilla or Butterscotch | pkg. | 5c | 
[[End of menu prices list]]

Fresh Bakery Treats 
[cut off text]ation-point worries and enjoy the delicious 
[cut off text]ned treats from our Baked Goods Depart-[cut off text] 
[cut off text] The names Marvel and Jane Parker stand
[cut off sentence] quality...freshness...and thrifty prices, [new line]
[cut off text]o! Marvel Bread and Rolls and Jane Parker [new line]
cakes and Donuts boast that "home-baked" [new line]
flavor your whole family will enjoy!
[[Another 2 row, 5 column list. The 1st column is the name of the food, while the 2nd and 4th are the portion sizes, and the 3rd and 5th being the price in cents (c). The 2nd and 4th are squished on top of each other while 3rd and 5th columns font size fits two-lines worth of space]]
Dundee Loaf | 1 Lb. [[written below]] size | 44c | 2 Lb. [[written below]] size | 84c |
Raisin Bread | MARVEL | 20 oz. loaf | 11c ||

Transcription Notes:
Half of the page is cutout from a newspaper, the New York Sun, while the other half is a cut section of a restaurant menu. Transcribed top half first bottom half second. This is a VERY rough transcription, needs holistic review! General thought process; identified each part of the menu in terms of total rows and columns it seemed to take up before another part is revealed as the paper expands towards the bottom-left corner of the page.