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inus Signs Majority 
Trading Pace Drags From the Opening 

NEW YORK, May 26. --(AP)-- cks today drifted through one he slowest sessions in the last ee years with scattered issues king moderate headway while ders generally slipped to the ualty column. Nothing much was found in the y of news inspiration and culative and investment en- 
Markets found on this page e from the late editions of sterday's Detroit News. 
siasm was lacking from the rt. The ticker tape frequently ed. Declines of fractions to oint or so predominated at the e. Transfers for the five hours ndled to around 500,000 shares. Advances were retained by __ineeott, Cleveland Electric, ndard Oil (NJ), United States __osum, Bohn Aluminum, du __nt, Cerro de Pasco, Dow Chemical and Engineers public service.
On the losing end were Beth-__em, Youngstown Sheet, Chrys-, General Motors, United States Rubber, Goodyear, Montgomery Ward, Douglas Aircraft (at a new 1947 low), J.C. Penny, Owens-Illinois, United Fruit, American Woolen, Warner Bros., __henly, International Paper, Great Northern Railway, South-__n Railway and Union Pacific.

Quiet Bond Market Down Irregularly
NEW YORK, May 26. --(AP)--
The bond market moved irregularly lower in light dealings __lay.
Rails generally were off frac-tionally with most Katy, Missouri, __cific, New York Central and Louis San Francisco lines __ong those losing ground. Western Union 4 1/2s of '50 showed improvement as did __anese 3s, National Dairy 2 3/4s __d International Hydro-Eletric

Ahead at times were Denver & Grande Western Income 4 1/2s, Illinois Central 4 3/4s, New Or-leans, Texas & Mexico 5s of '54, New York Central 4 1/2s, St. __l convertible 4 1/2s of 2044, 

New York Stock Exchange Close

NEW YORK, May 26, -(AP)-Following is tabulation of today's active stock transactions on the New York Stock Exchange:


[[6 Columned Table]] 
|---|Sales in 100s|High|Low|Close|Net Chge|
|Abbott Lab 2a....|2|70 1/2|70 3/8|70 3/8|+ 1/4|
|Adams Exp .80e..|5|14 1/2|14 1/4|14 1/4|- 1/8|
|Admiral Corp 1/8g.|1|7 1/8|7 1/8|7 1/8|+ 1/8|
|Air Reduction 1..|11|30 3/4|30 1/8|30 3/4|- 3/8|
|Alaska Juneau...|18|4 5/8|4 1/2|4 1/2|...|
|Aldens Inc 1 1/2a..|1|21|21|21|- 3/8|
|Alleghany Corp...|12|3 1/4|3 1/8|3 1/8|- 1/8|
|Alleghany pf ....|1|26 3/4|26 3/4|26 3/4|- 1/4|
|Alleg Lud Stl.40g|6|34|33 1/2|33 1/2|- 3/4|
|Allen Industries 1|2|17 1/2|17 1/2|17 1/2|...|
|Allied Mills 2g...|1|30 7/8|30 7/8|30 7/8|+ 3/8|
|Allied Strs 3.....|6|32 5/8|32 1/2|32 5/8|...|
|Allis-Ch Mfg 1.60|8|32 7/8|32 1/4|32 3/8|- 1/2|
|Amal Leather .20g|3|6 1/4|6|6 1/4|+ 1/4|
|Amerada Pet 2...|2|77 1/4|77 1/4|77 1/4|- 3/4|
|Am Ag Ch Del 2a|3|3 3/4|36 1/2| 36 1/2|...|
|Am Airlines.....|34|9 1/8|8 3/4|8 7/8|- 1/8|
|Am Bank Not .80g|1|22|22|22|...|
|Am Brake Sh 1/2g.|7|40|38|40|+2|
|Am Cable & Rad.|2|4 1/2|4 1/2|4 1/2|...|
|Am Can 3.......|4|90 1/4|88 1/2|88 1/2|-1|
|Am Car & Fdy 3e|3|38|36 1/2|36 3/4|-1 5/8|
|Am C&Cable 1.40|1|21 3/8|21 3/8|21 3/8|+ 3/8|
|Am Crys Sug .60g|2|21 1/4|21|21|- 3/8|
|Am Distill 2a...|1|28 1/8|28 1/8|28 1/8|+ 1/8|
|Am Exp L 1.10g.|3|19|18 7/8|18 7/8|+ 1/8|
|Am&For Pow ....|44|3 5/8|3 1/2|3 5/8|...|
|Am&F P 2 pf....|4|15 3/4|15 1/2|15 3/8|- 3/8|
|Am Hide&Leather|12|6 1/8|6|6|+ 1/8|
|Am Ho Pro 1.20a|20|24 1/2|24|24 1/4|- 5/8|
|Am Internat .55e|1|10 1/8|10 1/8|10 1/8|...|
|Am Locomo 1.40a|9|20 1/4|19 7/8|19 7/8|- 3/8|
|Am M&Fdy .80..|1|20|20|20|...|
|Am M&Met .....|2|9 3/4|9 1/2|9 1/2|- 1/4|
|Am Pow&Lt .....|9|10 1/4|10|10|- 1/2|
|A P&L $6 pf 4 1/2k|3|106 5/8|106 1/4|106 1/4|- 1/2|
|AP&L $5 pf 3 3/4k|4|95|95|95|-1|
|Am R&S S .40g.|24|13 3/8|13|13 1/8|- 1/4|
|Am Roll Mill 1g.|8|53|52 1/4|53|+ 1/4|
|Am Seating 1/2e..|1|15 3/4|15 3/4|15 3/4|+ 1/2|
|Am Smelt&R 2a.|8|53|52 1/4|53|+ 1/4|
|Am Stl Fdrs 2...|8|28 3/4|27 7/8|27 7/8|- 7/8|
|Am Tel&Tel 9 ..|21|163 1/8|162 5/8|162 3/4|- 1/4|
|Am Tobacco 3a ..|3|67 1/8|66 1/2|67 1/8|+ 3/8|
|Am Tob B 3a ...|21|66 7/8|66 1/4| 66 3/4|+ 3/4|
|Am Viscose 2 ...|6|45|44 1/2|44 3/4|+ 1/4|
|Am Wat Wks ...|12|13 1/2|13 1/4|13 1/4| ...|
|Am Woolen 3g ...|63|32 1/4|30 7/8|31 1/8|- 3/4|
|Am Zinc L&S .20g|6|7 1/8|7|7|- 1/8|
|Ananconda Cop1 1/4g|22|35 1/8|34 1/2|34 1/2|-1/2|
|Armour & Co ...|30|10 3/4|10 3/8|10 3/8|- 3/8|
|Armstrong Crk.80g|2|40 3/8|40 1/4|40 1/4|- 1/8|
|AssdDryGds 1.60.|4|15 3/4|15 1/4|15 3/4|+ 1/4|
|Atch T&SF 6 ....|9|71 3/4|70|70|- 1 1/8|
|A T F Inc 1/2g..|2|11 7/8|11 3/4|11 3/4| ...|
|Atl Coast Line 4 ..|12|46 1/4|45 3/4|45 3/4|-1/4|
|Atl Refining 1 1/2.|4|32 3/4|32 1/4|32 1/4| ...|
|Atlas Corpl.60xd|4|22 3/8|22 1/4|22 1/4|- 1/8|
|Aust Nichols....|1|6 3/4|6 3/4|6 3/4|- 1/4|
|Autocar Co 1g....|1|20|20|20|- 1|
|Autom Canteen 1.|1|19 3/4|19 3/4|19 3/4| ...|
|Avco Mfg .10g...|23|5 1/8|4 7/8|4 7/8|- 1/4|
|Babbitt BT 1.20a|1|13 1/2|13 1/2|13 1/2|- 1/2|
|Bald Loco 1/2g...|13|17 3/4|17 1/4|17 3/8|- 1/2|
|Balt & Ohio.....|17|8 7/8|8 3/4|8 7/8| ...|
|Balt & Ohio pf..|3|13 1/8|12 3/4|12 3/4|- 3/8|
|Barber Asph 1/2g..|2|49|48 1/2|48 1/2|+ 5/8|
|Barnsdall Oil 1a..|10|23 3/4|23 3/8|23 3/8|- 1/4|
|Bath Ir Wks 1 1/2|1|16|16|16| ...|
|Beech Airc.......|10|6 1/8|6|6|- 1/8|
|Beech-Nut P 1.40|1|33 1/2|33 1/2|33 1/2|+ 1 1/2|
|Belding-Hem .80..|1|13|13|13|- 1/2|
|Bell Airc.........|1|11 1/4|11 1/4|11 1/4|- 1/4|
|Bendix Aviat 2..|3|29 3/4|29 1/2|29 3/4|+ 1/8|
|Ben Ind Ln 1.20a|6|22 3/8|22|22 3/8|+ 1/2|
|Best & Co 2a....|4|28 1/2|28|28|- 1/2|
|Best Foods 1.20..|3|22|21 7/8|22| ...|
|Beth Steel 6.....|13|79 1/8|78|78|- 1|
|Bigelow-Sanf 2g..|1|48|48|48|+ 1 1/4|
|Black & Decker 2|4|26|26|26|+ 1/2|
|Blaw-Knox .40g..|5|14 5/8|14 1/2|14 1/2|- 1/8|
|Bliss E W 1/2g...|3|20 5/8|20|20|- 5/8|  
|Bohn Al&Br 1 1/2g|2|37 3/4|37|37 3/4|+ 2 1/4|
|Bond Strs 2.....|4|27 3/4|27 1/4|27 1/2|+ 1/2|
|Borden Co 1.20g.|5|41 1/4|40 3/4|40 3/4|- 1/2|
|Borg-Warner 2 ..|6|41|40 3/4|40 3/4|- 1/4|
|Boston & Maine.|1|3 1/2|3 1/2|3 1/2|- 1/4|
|Braniff Airw.....|1|8 3/4|8 3/4|8 3/4| ...|
|Bridgpt Brass .40g|4|14 5/8|14 1/4|14 1/4|- 3/8|
|Briggs Mfg 2....|5|32|31 1/2|31 1/2|- 1/2|
|Briggs & Strat 1.|4|24 1/2|24|24 1/2| ...|
|Bristol Myers 1g.|1|39|39|39| ...|
|Bkln Un Gas 1.60|1|19 7/8|19 7/8|19 7/8|+3/8|
|Brunswk Balke 1/2g|1|23|23|23|- 1/2|
|Bucyrus Erie 1/4g.|4|14|13 3/4|13 3/4|- 1/4|
|Budd Co ........|10|10 3/8|10 1/8|10 1/8|- 1/8|
|Buffalo Forge .90g|3|26 1/4|26|26|+ 1/8|
|Burling Mills 1a. 14|15 1/4|14 7/8|14 7/8|- 1/8|
|BurAddMach .60.|3|13 1/8|12 7/8|13|+ 1/8|
|Bush Term .35g.|5|6 1/4|6 1/4|6 1/4| ...|
|Butler Bros 1/2g..|13|15 1/8|14 3/8|14 3/8|- 3/4|
|Butte Cop & Zinc|4|3 1/2|3 1/2|3 1/2|- 1/4|
|Calif Pacing 1 1/2|1|27 1/4|27 1/4|27 1/4| ...|
|Callahan Z-Lead..|10|2 1/4|2|2|- 1/8|
|Calument&Hec 1/4g.|5|7 1/8|7 1/8|7 1/8|+ 1/8|
|CampbWYant 1g xd|1|24 1/2|24 1/2|24 1/2|+ 1/8|
|CanDryGAle .30g.|33|14 3/8|14 1/8|14 3/8|+ 1/8|
|Canad Brew 2...|1|20 5/8|20 5/8|20 5/8|+ 1/8|
|[[cut off]]|28|10 1/4|10|10|- 1/4|

|---|Sales in 100s|High|Low|Close|Net Chge.|
|Nat Auto Fib .60.|7|10 1/4|10|10|+ 3/8|
|Nat Aviation1.35e|1|11 3/4|11 3/4|11 3/4|- 1/2|
|Nat Biscuit 1.10g|6|28|27 3/4|28|+ 1/4|
|Nat Can ........|1|8 7/8|8 7/8|8 7/8|- 1/8|
|Nat Cash Reg 1 1/4g|3|35 5/8|35 1/4|35 1/4|- 3/4|
|Nat City Lines 1..|1|9 3/8|9 3/8|9 3/8|- 1/8|
|Nat Container 3..|6|35 3/4|35 1/4|35 1/4|- 1/2|
|Nat Cylinder G.80|3|13 3/4|13 1/2|13 3/4|+ 1/4|
|Nat D Prod 1.80..|10|29 3/4|29 1/4|29 3/8|- 3/8|
|Nat Dept Strs 1a|6|15 1/4|15|15|- 7/8|
|Nat Distillers 2...|20|19 3/8|19|19 1/8|- 1/4|
|Nat En&Stpg 3/4g.|1|30 1/2|30 1/2|30 1/2|- 1 1/2|
|Nat Gypsum 1/2e..|11|16 3/4|16 1/2|16 1/2|- 3/8|
|Nat Lead 1/2a...|11|27 1/2|27 1/2|27 1/2| ...|
|Nat Linen Svc .40|1|7|7|7| ...|
|Nat M & StlC.30g|5|17 1/2|17 1/8|17 1/8|- 5/8|
|Nat Pow & Lt....|3|1 1/4|1 1/8|1 1/8| ...|
|Natl Steel 4 .....|10|14 1/4|13 3/4|13 3/4|- 1/4|
|Nat Supply ......|10|14 1/4|13 3/4|13 3/4|- 5/8|
|Nat Tea 1a ....|1|21 3/4|21 3/4|21 3/4|+ 1/4|
|Nat Vul Fib .80 ...|2|13 7/8|13 3/4|13 3/4|- 1/4|
|Natomas Cp 1/2g..|24|13 1/4|12 7/8|12 7/8| ...|
|Nehi Corp .80..|2|20 1/2|20 1/2|20 1/2| ...|
|Newmont Min 1g.|3|36 3/4|36 3/4|36 3/4|+ 3/8|
|Newport Ind 2....|26 1/2|26|26|+ 1/4|
|N News Ship 2a..|2|18|17 7/8|17 7/8|- 1/8|
|N Y Central RR..|29|13 1/2|13 1/4|13 3/8|+ 1/8|
|NYC & St Louis..|2|22|22|22|- 1|
|NYC & StL pf 8k|1|80 1/4|80 1/4|80 1/4|- 1 3/4|
|N Y Shipbldg 3/4g|3|11 3/8|10 7/8|11 3/8|+ 1/8|
|Noblitt-Sparks 2.|2|33|33|33| ...|
|Nopco Ch Co .80g|1|43|43|43| +1|
| Norf&West 10a.|2|222 1/2|220|220| ...|
|NoAm Aviatn 1e|12|7 3/4|7 3/8|7 3/8|- 1/4|
|N Amer Co 1/4b.|6|24 1/2|24 3/8|24 3/8| - 1/8|
|North Pacific 1g|8|15|14 5/8|14 7/8|- 3/8|
|Nowest Airl 1/2e..|2|12 7/8|12 3/4|12 3/4|- 1/8|
|Norwich Ph .60a|1|13 5/8|13 5/8|13 5/8|- 1/8|
|Ohio Edis 1/2g...|1|33 1/2|33 1/2|33 1/2| ...|
|Ohio Oil 1/2a.....|10|22 1/2|21 7/8|22|- 5/8|
|Omnibus Corp 1.|9|9|8 3/4|8 7/8|+ 1/8|
|Otis Elevator 1/2g|4|26 1/2|26|26|- 1/2|
|Owens-Ill Gl 1 1/2g|2|71|70 3/4|70 3/4|- 1 1/4|
|Pac Gas&Elec 2.|5|35 1/2|35 3/8|35 1/2|+ 1/8|
|Pac G&El rt wi.|37|1|1|1| ...|
|Pac Mills 3.....|3|27 3/4|27 1/2|27 3/4|+ 1/4|
|Pac West Oil 1/2e|1|30 1/2|30 1/2|30 1/2|- 1/4|
|Packard Mot .15g|26|5 3/8|5 1/4|5 1/4| ...|
|PanAm Air 1/2e..|9|10 3/8|10 1/8|10 1/8|- 3/8|
|PanhandEPL 1 1/2g|1|44|44|44|- 1/2|
|Panhandle P&R..|3|6 1/2|6 1/2|6 1/2|- 1/8|
|Param Pictures 2.|38|24 5/8|24 3/8|24 3/8|- 1/8|
|Park&Tilford 3 ..|1|38 1/2|38 1/2|38 1/2|- 1/2|
|Park Utah C M..|8|2 3/8|2 3/8|2 3/8|- 1/8|
|Parke Davis 1.60|2|35 3/4|35 3/4|35 3/4|- 1/4|
|Parmelee Tr 1.20|3|8 3/8|8 1/4|8 1/4|- 1/4|
|Patino Mines 1/4g|5|11 1/8|10 1/2|10 1/2|- 3/8|
|Penney J C 2a...|10|40|39 1/4|39 1/4|- 3/4|
|Penn-Cent Airl..|3|8 1/4|8 1/8|8 1/8|+ 1/8|
|Penn Coal&Coke.|3|7 1/8|7 1/8|7 1/8| ...|
|Penn-Dix Cem 3/4g|3|17 1/4|17|17| ...|
|Penn P&Lt .90g.|18|19 7/8|19 5/8|19 5/8| ...|
|Penn RR 1/2g ...|32|19|18 1/2|18 5/8|- 1/4|
|Penn Salt .90g..|1|41 1/4|41 1/4|41 1/4|+ 1 1/4|
|Pepsi-Cola .70a..|93|29 7/8|29 1/8|29 1/4|- 3/4|
|Pere Marquette ..|5|21 1/4|20 3/4|21 1/4|+ 1/2|
|Pfeiffer Brew 1..|3|13 3/4|13 5/8|13 5/8|- 1/8|
|Pfizer C&Co 2a..|2|40 7/8|40 3/4|40 7/8|- 1/8|
|Phelps Dod 1.60g|10|38 5/8|37 3/4|38 1/8|- 5/8|
|Phila Elec 1.20..|10|23 3/4|23 1/2|23 5/8|+ 1/8|
|Phil&R C&I 1g..|4|12|11 7/8|11 7/8|- 1/8|
|Philco Corp 1 1/2..|5|24 1/2|23 3/4|23 3/4|- 3/4|
|Philip Morris 1 1/2a|4|28 1/2|28|28|- 1/2|
|Phillips Pet 2 ...|1|53 1/8|53 1/8|53 1/8|-5/8|
|Pillsbury M 1.60a|2|32|31 3/4|32| ...|
|Pitt Coke & C 1/2e|3|10 7/8|10 7/8|10 7/8| ...|
|Pitt Con Coal 1.40|5|20 1/4|20|20|- 1/4|
|Pitt Plate Gl .80a|5|34|33 1/2|33 1/2|- 1/2|
|Pitt Scr & Blt.15g|2|7 1/2|7 1/2|7 1/2| ...|
|Pitt Steel ......|2|9 1/2|9 1/4|9 1/4|- 1/2|
|Pitt & West Va..|1|11|11|11| ...|
|Pittston Co .....|1|18|18|18| ...|
|Plymouth Oil 1b..|2|21 1/4|21 1/8|21 1/8|- 1/8|
|Pond Creek Poc1/2g|1|20|20|20| ...|
|Poor & Cp B 1....|1|13|13|13| ...|
|Pressed Stl Car...|5|10 1/2|10|10|- 3/8|
|Procter & Gam 2a|1|58 5/8|58 5/8|58 5/8|- 3/4|
|Pub Svc Colo 1.65|2|33|33|33| ...|
|Pub Svc NJ .70g|15|24|23 1/2|23 1/2|- 3/8|
|Publicker Indust..|4|18 1/4|17 3/4|17 3/4|- 3/8|
|Pulman 1g......|6|56 5/8|56 1/4|56 1/4|- 1/8|
|Pure Oil 1......|30|23 3/8|23|23 1/8|- 1/8|
|Purity Bak 2.40.|1|27 1/2|27 1/2|27 1/2|- 1/2|
|Radio Corp .20g.|45|8|7 3/4|8|+ 1/8|
|Radio-K-Orph 1.20|28|11 1/4|11 1/8|11 1/8|- 1/8|
|Raybestos-M 1 3/8g.|3|31|30 1/4|30 1/4|- 5/8|
|Rayonier Inc....|2|19 1/4|19 1/8|19 1/8|- 3/8|
|Reading Co 1....|1|17 5/8|17 5/8|17 5/8|+ 1/8|
|Real Silk Hos .60|2|11|11|11| ...|
|Reeves Bros 1....|1|11 1/2|11 1/2|11 1/2| ...|
|Rem Rand 1.05b|7|27|26 1/4|26 1/4|- 1 1/4|
|Reo Motors 2 1/2..|4|28 1/2|28|28|- 1/4|
|Repub Avia......|3|4 3/4|4 5/8|4 5/8| ...|
|Repub Pict......|24|5 1/2|5 1/4|5 3/8|+ 1/4|
|Repub Steel 1a..|16|24 1/4|23 3/4|24|- 3/8|
|Revere Cop&B 1/2g|1|16 1/2|16 1/2|16 1/2|+ 3/8|
|Rexall Drug 3/8g..|28|7 3/4|7 1/2|7 5/8|- 1/8|
|Reynolds Metals..|5|21 3/8|20 1/4|20 1/4|- 1 1/2|
|Reyn Tob B 1.40a|17|38 5/8|38|38 1/2|+ 1/4|
|Rheem Mig 1....|2|20 7/8|20 3/4|20 3/4|- 1/4|
|Richfield Oil 1 xd|4|14 1/2|14 1/2|14 1/2|+ 1/8|
|Roan A Cop .22g|3|7 5/8|7 3/8|7 3/8|- 1/8|
Feed Grains in Demand
Wheat Movements Are Erratic
CHICAGO, May 26.-(AP)-Feed grains maintained a firm undertone on the Board of Trade today, led by the July corn contract. This delivery advanced more than 2 cents at times buying attributed mainly to export interests.
Corn contracts were only a few cents under seasonal highs.
Wheat moved in an erratic fashion. The grain was strong early on mill buying, fell below the preceding close shortly after noon on commission house selling, and then recovered on a renewal of commercial demand. Official statements on the need for food in Europe encouraged some buying.
Although advances in oats were mainly fractional, they were sufficient to send all deliveries to new seasonal highs. Lard eased following the sharp upturn late last week.
[[6 Columned Table]] 
|---|Open|High|Low|Close|Prev. Close|
|July......|2.37|2.37 1/4|2.34 1/2|2.35|2.36 1/4|
|Sept......|2.25 7/8|2.26 1/4|2.24 1/2|2.24 1/2|2.25 3/4|
|Dec.......|2.23|2.23 1/4|2.21 1/4|2.21 1/2|2.22 1/2|
|May '48..|1.44 1/2|1.45 1/2|1.43 3/4|1.43 3/4|1.44|
Other Grain Markets
Wheat closed:
[[4 Columned Table]] 
|Minneapolis....|2.46|2.24 3/4|2.17 1/4a|
Kansas City...|2.27 1/2|2.18 1/2|2.14 3/4|
Minneapolis Flour
MINNEAPOLIS, May 26.-(AP)-Flour in 100-lb. cotton sacks: Family patents, unchanged, 7.60: standard patents. unchanged. 6.65.
Shipments, 31.620.
Standard bran, 65.00: red dog, 73.00;
standard middlings, 69.00.
Vessel Passages
[[4 Columned Table]] 
|Schoellkopf, Jr.|6:35|Donnelly ar...|4:35|
|Fernie .......|6:45|C. A. Thompson|4:45|
|Imperial Midland .......|9:45|E.P. Smith...|4:45|
|Dick ar ......|9:50|Blue Comet ar|7:00|
|Rees ar......|10:00|T. B. Quarries |J.P. ar..........|7:45|
|J.P. Reiss....|10:00|
|Ingalls ar.....|10:00|Mataafa ar....|8:30|
|Billings......|10:55|Lake Shell ar.|8:30|
[[cut off] P.M. R [[cut off]]
New York Curb Market
NEW YORK, May 26.-(AP)-Following is list of active stock transactions on the New York Curb Exchange:
[[5 Columned Table]] 
|Acme Alum Al ......|5|7|7|7|
|Adam Hat .60......|2|6 3/4|6 5/8|6 3/4|
| Aireon Mfg .......|16|3|2 5/8|2 5/8|
| Alaska Airl .......|7|3|3|3|
| Allied Prod 1a.....|1|18|18|18|
|Am Cyan 1a ......|3|41 7/8|41 7/8|41 7/8|
|Am & Fgn Pow war|12|5/8|9-16|9-16|
|Am Gas & El 1b....|7|38 7/8|38 3/8|38 3/8|
| Am Gen 1/2e ......|5|2 1/2|2 3/8|2 3/8|
|Am Light & T 1.20|1|20 3/4|20 3/4|20 3/4|
|Am Pot & Ch B 1 1/2|1|31|31|31|
| Am Republics 1/2e ..|2|17 1/2|17 1/2|17 1/2|
|Am Superpow ......|27|1 1/8|1|1|
| Am Writ Paper ....|1|8 1/2|8 1/2|8 1/2|
|Apex Elec Mfg .....|2|7 5/8|7 5/8|7 5/8|
| Arugs Inc ........|5|5 1/4|5 1/8|5 1/8|
|Ark Nat Gas ......|4|4 3/8|4 1/4|4 3/8|
|Ark Nat Gas A.....|14|4 3/8|4 1/4|4 1/4|
| Ashland Oil .60....|4|11|11|11|
|Asso Leund ........|1|1|1|1|
| Atlas Corp war.....|19|4 1/4|4|4 1/8|
|Atlas Ply 2.........|2|27|26 1/2|26 1/2|
|Babcock & Wil 1/2g..|2|40 1/4|40 1/4|40 1/4|
| Barium Stl ........|7|4 1/8|4|4|
| Bellanca Airc ......|2|2|2|2|
| Berk & Gay Furn..|13|1 5/8|1 5/8|1 5/8|
| Blum Phil .40g....|1|8|8|8|
|Braz Tr L&P 2....|10|18 3/4|18 1/4|18 3/4|
| Breeze Corp 1.60..|3|13 7/8|13 3/4|13 3/4|
| Brewster Aero .....|1|4 3/4|4 3/4|4 3/4|
| Bridgept Oil ......|1|6 1/4|6 1/4|6 1/4|
| Brown-F Dist .80....|4|18 1/4|17 3/4|17 3/4|
| Brown Rubber .30g|4|6|6|6|
|Buckeye P L .80.....|2|11|10 7/8|11|
|Bunk Hill & S 1/2a...|1|16 3/4|16 3/4|16 3/4|
|Burma Ltd ..........|27|1|1|1|
| Burry Biscuit .....|2|4 1/4|4 1/4|4 1/4|
|Cal El Pow .60 .....|3|8|8|8|
| Callite Tung .......|1|3|3|3|
|Can Marconi .04e....|10|1 5/8|1 5/8|1 5/8|
|Carey Bax & K 1/2g..|2|8|7 1/2|8|
|Carr Cons Bisc 1....|6|11 1/2|11 1/4|11 1/2|
| Catalin Am .40a ...|12|10 5/8|10 1/8|10 1/8|
|Cen & SW Corp......|29|9 3/8|9 1/4|9 3/8|
|Cen & SW Corp wd..|18|9 1/4|9 1/8|9 1/4|
| Chamb Co Am .60a.|1|18 1/2|18 1/2|18 1/2|
|Chief Cons Mng .....|2|1 1/8|1 1/8|1 1/8|
|Cities Service .......|69|29 3/4|28 7/8|29|
|Cit Svc pf ..........|11|175 1/8|174 3/4|174 3/4|
|Claude Neon ........|40|2 1/8|2|2|
| Colonial Airl ......|2|8|8|8|
|Colonial Mills 1/2a...|4|12 3/4|12|12 3/4|
|Colonial Sand&S .40|5|5 1/4|5 1/8|5 1/8|
|Colo Fuel & I war.|2|4 1/8|4|4|
|Colts Mfg .........|5|30 1/2|29 3/8|30 1/2|
|Comwith & So war.|2|4 1/8|4|4|
|Comm Wat Svc ....|2|1|1|1|
|Conn Gas & C .....|17|1/2|1/2|1/2|
|Cons Stl Corp 1/2g..|1|23|23|23|
|Cont Fdy&Mch 1/4g..|1|11 1/4|11 1/4|11 1/4|
|Copper Range 3/4e ..|1|9 1/8|9 1/8|9 1/8|
|Coro Inc 1.60a ...|2|10 1/4|10 1/4|10 1/4|
|Creole Pet 1.20g...|28|29 1/2|29 1/8|29 1/4|
|Croft Brew .05e ...|5|1 3/4|1 1/2|1 3/4|
|Cuban Atl Sug 1 1/2.|23|20 5/8|20 1/8|20 1/8|
|Davidson Bros .20g.|1|5 6/8|6 5/8|6 5/8|
|Dennison Mfg A.40g|1|10 3/8|10 3/8|10 3/8|
|Derby Oil 1/2e ....|4|11 1/8|10 7/8|11|
|Det Gray Ir .10g ..|3|2 3/4|2 5/8|2 3/4|
|Det Dtl Prod 1 ...|2|31|31|31|
|Diana Strs 1/2 .....|3|5 1/8|5 1/8|5 1/8|
|Domest Credit .....|1|2 7/8|2 7/8|2 7/8|
|Domin Stl&Coal 1/2 .|1|11 1/2|11 1/2|11 1/2|
|East Gas & F .....|2|3 1/4|3 1/2|3 1/8|
|El Bond & Sh .....|51|10 5/8|10 1/4|10 1/4|
|El P & L war .....|2|3 1/2|3 1/2|3 1/2|
|Elliott Co ........|5|18|16 1/2|16 1/2|
|Equity Corp .......|10|1 1/2|1 1/2|1 1/2|
|Eureka C Ltd ......|13|1 7/8|-13-16-|
|Fairchild Cam .....|2|7 1/4|7 1/8|7 1/8|
|Fairchild E&A ....|4|2 3/8|2 1/8|2 1/8|
|Fansteel Met 1/4e ...|3|14|14|14|
|Fedders Quig .80 ..|1|11 5/8|11 5/8|11 5/8|
|Ford M Can A 1/2g ..|2|18 1/2|18 1/2|18 1/2|
|Fox P Brew 1a ...|..|23 5/8|23 5/8|23 5/8|
|Frank Simon .....|1|8 5/8|8 5/8|8 5/8|
|Fuller G A 1 1/2e ...|..|17 1/2|17 1/2|17 1/2|
|Garrett Corp .40 ...|3|7 1/2|7 1/4|7 1/2|
|Gen Buid Sup ......|1|3 3/4|3 3/4|3 3/4|
|Gen Finance .20 ...|1|6 3/4|6 3/4|6 3/4|
|Gen Plywood .80a ..|2|21|21|21|
|Gen Share ........|3|3|3|3|
|Giant Yell GM .....|4|5 1/2|5 3/8|5 1/2|
|Glean Harv 1.20a .|1|21|21|21|
|Glen Ald Coal 2 ...|5|17 5/8|17 5/8|17 5/8|
|Gobel Inc .30g ...|2|3 5/8|3 5/8|3 5/8|
|Goldfield Con ......|24|13-16|3/4|3/4|
|Hartford Ray vtc ...|3|3|3|3|
|Hazeltine 1/2g ........|1|14|14|14|
|Hearn D Strs 1/2g ...|1|9 1/4|9 1/4|9 1/4|
|Hecla Min 1 .......|9|11 1/8|11|11 1/8|
|Heyden Chem 1 .....|1|22 3/4|22 3/4|22 3/4|
|Holl C Gold .12g .....|4|9 1/4|9|9|
|Holly Strs .20g ......|1|4 7/8|4 7/8|4 7/8|
|Hubbel H 1.60 .....|..|32 1/4|32 1/4|32 1/4|
|Humble Oil 1g ........|2|57 1/4|57|57 1/4|
|Hussman-Lig 1 .....|1|24 1/2|24 1/2|24 1/2|
|Huyler's ...........|2|7 3/8|7 3/8|7 3/8|
|Hygrade Fd 1/2g .....|6|27 3/4|26 5/8|27|
|Ill Zinc .60a ........|1|15 1/8|15|15|
|Imp Oil Ltd 1/2 ........|1|12 1/4|12 1/4|12 1/4|
|Ins Co N Am 2 1/2a ....|..|88|88|88|
|Int Petrol 1/2 ........|10|11 3/8|11 1/4|11 3/8|
|Int S Raz B ........|1|2 3/8|2 3/8|2 3/8|
|Irving Air Ch 1/4g ...|1|5 7/8|5 7/8|5 7/8|
|Jeannette Gla 2 ....|8|14 7/8|14 1/4|14 1/4|
|Michigan Sug .......|4|1 7/8|1 7/8|1 7/8|
|Mich Sug pf 1k .....|1|9 1/2|9 1/2|9 1/2|
|Mid St P Bvtc .....|9|4 7/8|4 3/4|4 3/4|
|Midwest Corp 1/4b|13|22 1/4|22|22 1/8|
|Mid West Corp xd ....|2|13 1/8|13 1/8|13 1/8|
|Mid-West Abr .06g .|1|4|4|4|
|Mid West Ref .....|1|2 1/8|2 1/8|2 1/8|
|Miller Wohl .80 ..|5|7 1/4|6 7/8|6 7/8|
|Molybdenum 1/2 ....|1|7|7|7|
|Monogram Pict ....|18|3 1/2|3 1/4|3 1/4|
|Morris Pl Corp 1/4e .|1|3 7/8|3 7/8|3 7/8|
|Mt City Cop ......|3|1 5/8|1 1/2|1 1/2|
|Mount Prod .60a ....|1|9 1/2|9 1/2|9 1/2|
|Mur Oh Mfg 1.20 ..|1|18 3/4|18 3/4|18 3/4|
|Muskeg P Ring 3/4g .|1|23 1/4|23 1/4|23 1/4|
|Nat Bellas Hess .20e|6|3 1/8|2 7/8|3 1/8|
|Nat Fuel G .80 ....|15|12 3/8|12 1/4|12 3/8|
|Nat Pres Cook 3/8g .|2|26|26|26|
|Nat Trans .35g ....|10|14|13 3/4|13 7/8|
|Nat Tun & Mines ...|8|1 1/8|1 1/8|1 1/8|
|Nat Un Rad .......|4|2 1/2|2 1/4|2 1/4|
|Neptune Met 1/2e ..|1|13 1/2|13 1/2|13 1/2|
|New Eng T&T 2 1/4g .|1|99 1/2|97 1/2|99 1/2|
|N H Clock&W ....|2|5 1/8|4 7/8|5 1/8|
|N J Zinc 1 1/2g .....|2|60|59 3/4|59 3/4|
|N Mex&Ariz Ld ....|2|4|4|4|
|New Park Mng .04g|3|1 1/2|1 1/2|1 1/2|
|Niag Hud Pow .....|23|8|7 7/8|8|
|Niles-Bem-P .30g ....|1|10 1/2|10 1/2|10 1/2|
|Nip'sing Mns .......|1|1|3-16|3-16|
|Noma Elec 1/2b .....|5|12|11 3/4|11 3/4|
|Nor Am Lt&Pow .....|5|7|7|7|
|Nor Sta Pw A .......|2|33 1/4|32 3/4|32 3/4|
|Northrop Airc .......|3|5 3/4|5 5/8|5 3/4|
|Okla Nat Gas 2 .....|1|30 1/2|30 1/2|30 1/2|
|Old Poindex .20e ...|5|6|5 1/8|6|
|O'oklep Cop .37g .....|1|10 1/4|10 1/4|10 1/4|
|Pan Am Airw war ..|15|1|15-16|15-16|
|Pantepec Oil .64 ....|2|9|8 7/8|8 7/8|
|Prkrsbg R&R 1 .....|1|14 7/8|14 7/8|14 7/8|
|Pennroad 1/4e ........|14|6|6|6|
|Pa-Dixie Cem war ...|..|6 3/4|6 3/4|6 3/4|
|Pep Boys 1/4e ......|1|6 1/8|6 1/8|6 1/8|
|Pharis T&R 60 ....|1|6 7/8|6 7/8|6 7/8|
|Phillips Pkg 1 3/4e ...|2|13 1/2|13|13|
|Pioneer Gold ......|6|3 1/4|3 1/4|3 1/4|
|Piper Airc ........|2|3 3/8|3 3/8|3 3/8|
|Pitney-Bowes .60 ....|2|10 1/4|10 1/8|10 1/4|
|Pitts Metallu 1/2 ....|4|9 5/8|9 1/2|9 1/2|
|Pleas V Wine .10g ..|3|4 5/8|4 1/2|4 1/2|
|Polaris Mng .05g ...|12|4|3 7/8|3 7/8|
|Pratt & Lam .60g ...|..|35|35|35|
|Premier Gld .....|30 5/8|1/2|1/2|1/2|
|Prod Corp ...........|1|1 3/8|1 3/8|1 3/8|
|Prosperity Co B 1/4g ..|1|12 1/8|12 1/8|12 1/8|
|Pug Sd P & T 1/2g ..|1|28|28|28|
|Pyle-Nat 1 ..........|..|10 3/4|10 3/4|10 3/4|
|Quaker Oats 2 1/4g ....|..|86 1/2|86 1/2|86 1/2|
|RKO opt war .......|23|2 7/8|2 3/4|2 7/8|
|Raytheon Mfg .......|3|7 1/2|7 3/8|7 3/8|
|Regal Shoe .60e .....|3|6 3/8|6 1/4|6 1/4|
|Reliance E & E 1/2g .|..|14 7/8|14 7/8|14 7/8|
|Rice Stix D Gds 2 ...|1|23|23|23|
|Richmond Rad ......|1|4 1/4|4 1/4|4 1/4|
|Rio Gr Val G .05g ..|3| 1 3/4|1 3/4|1 3/4|
|Ronson ArtMW 1.20|16|16 1/8|15 3/4|15 3/4|
|Root Pet ...........|5|8|7 7/8|8|
|Rotary El Stl ......|5|17 1/2|17 1/4|17 1/4|
|Ryan Aero ...........|2|3 5/8|3 5/8|3 5/8|
|St Lawrence Corp ....|4|8 3/4|8 5/8|8 3/4|
|St Regis Pap ........|10|8 1/8|8|8 1/8|
|Salt Dome Oil ......|27|8 1/8|8|8 1/8|
|Schulte D A .20g ...|2|4|4|4|
|Scovill Mfg 1 1/2g .....|3|31|30 3/4|30 3/4|
|Scullin Stl .30e ....|2|8 7/8|8 3/4|8 3/4|
|Sec Corp Gen .20 ....|2|3 3/8|3 3/8|3 3/8|
|Segal Lock & H .....|9|2 5/8|2 1/2|2 1/2|
|Semler R B .20g ..|4|5 1/2|5 1/8|5 1/4|
|Sentinel Rad .......|1|2 5/8|2 5/8|2 5/8|
|Sentry S Con .......|1|1 1/8|1 1/8|1 1/8|
|Shat-Denn .........|2|3|3|3|
|Shaw W&P 1.20 ....|2|20 1/8|20|20|
|Silex .30g ..........|1|11|11|11|
|Simplicity Pat .40 .|5|7 1/5|7|7 1/8|
|Singer Mfg 6a ......|10|261|258|260n 1/2|
|Solar Airc .......|9|8 1/8|8|8|
|Solar Mfg .......|2|4 5/8|4 1/2|4 1/2|
|Sonotone .05g ......|14|3 1/4|3 1/8|3 1/8|
|Soss Mfg ..........|1|5 1/4|5 1/4|5 1/4|
|So Penn Oil 1a .....|1|27 1/2|27 1/2|27 1/2|
|South Royal 1/2g ...|15|27|24 1/2|27|
|Stand Cap & S ...|3|16 7/8|16 1/2|16 1/2|
|Stand Forg .80 ....|1|10 1/4|10 1/4|10 1/4|
|St Oil Ky 1.40a ....|2|29 3/4|29 3/8|29 3/8|
|St Pow & Lt .......|11|1 7/8|1 7/8|1 7/8|
|St Pow & L B .....|1|1 7/8|1 7/8|1 7/8|
|Starrett Corp ......|6|4 3/4|4 1/2|4 1/2|
|Stein (A)&Co 1.60a|...|18 1/2|18 1/2|18 1/2|
|Sterl Al Prod 1.80 ..|1|23|23|23|
|Sterling Inc 1/2 .....|1|7 7/8|7 7/8|7 7/8|
|Stetson J B 1/2g .....|1|12 1/2|12 1/2|12 1/2|
|Sup Tool & D .20|8|3 3/8|3 3/8|3 3/8|
|Tampa El 1.60 .....|3|29 1/2|29 1/2|29 1/2|
|Technicolor 1/4g ....|5|12 1/4|12|12|
|Textron Inc 1/4g .....|14|12|11 3/4|11 3/4|
|Tilo Roof 1a ......|6|14 1/2|14|14 1/4|
|Tishman Realty ...|1|13|13|13|
|Tonopah Min .06e ....|3|1 1/8|1 1/8|1 1/8|
|Tung Sol Lp ........|2|4 5/8|4 5/8|4 5/8|
|Udylite Corp 1 ......|2|12 3/4|12 5/8|12 5/8|
|Unexcelled Chem 1/4e .|2|6 3/4|6 3/4|6 3/4|
|Unit Airc Prod .....|10|3 1/8|3|3|
|Unit Corp war ........|17|1/2|1/2|1/2|
|Unit Gas .80 .......|3|15|15|15|
|Unit Lt & Rvs 1 ....|12|20 3/8|19 3/4|19 3/4|
|Un Profit Shar ....|2|1 3/4|1 3/4|1 3/4|
|Un Shoe M 2 1/2a ...|1|63 1/8|62|62|
|US Foil B .15g ....|1|11 3/4|11 3/4|11 3/4|
|US Graphite 1/2g ....|1|15 1/2|15 1/2|15 1/2|
|US Radiator .......|3|11 3/8|11 1/8|11 1/8|

The Detroit News-39
Tuesday, May 27, 1947

WASHINGTON, May 26.-(AP)-The position of the Treasury May 22, and the same date a year ago:
[[two columned table]]
Custom receipts for month-
Receipts fiscal year (July 1)-
Expenditures fiscal year-
Excess of receipts-
Excess of expenditures-
Total debt-
Decrease under previous day-
Gold assets-
NEW YORK, May 26.-(AP)-Foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents):
Canadian dollar in New York open market 7 1/2 per cent discount or 92.50 U. S. cents, unchanged.
EUROPE: Great Britain $4.02 13-16. unchanged: France (franc) .84 1/4 of a cent, up .00 1/8: Sweden (krona) 27.85, unchanged: Switzerland (franc) (com'l) 23.40, unchanged.
LATIN AMERICA: Argentina free 24.26, up .01 of a cent: Brazil free 5.50, unchanged: Mexico 20.62, unchanged.

Quick Service
"Our Representative Will Gladly Call"
329 Fort St. W. CHerry 7474

Other Types on Homes, Apartments, Stores
We Co-operate with Brokers
Mortgage Correspondent Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.
317 W. FORT ST.

ESQUIRE SOCKS requires men who can sell leading department stores

Transcription Notes:
The first few characters on words starting on the left side of the page are cut off. Cut off at the bottom as well, only really impacting the final ad.