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Saturday, September 4, 1948
Sponsored by Tinnerman Products, Inc.
Open to Any Aircraft in the Word Powered with a Reciprocating Engine(s) Having a Total Cylinder Displacement of Less Than 2850 Cubic  Inches
Men Pilots Only

1. $7,000.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the winners of the first five places as follows:

1st Place- $3,150.00 and Trophy
2nd Place- $1,750.00        4th Place- $  700.00
3rd Place- 1,050.00         5th Place-    350.00

2. $500.00 of the above total purse will be given to the pilot making the fastest lap.

3. Aircraft from countries other than United States are eligible. However, entries may be flown either by qualified United States pilots from any other Nation than United States

4. This Race is limited to ten (10 starters. There will be no qualifying trials in connection with this race.

5. Distance:  105 miles- 7 laps of the 15-mile quadrangular course.

6. The first five places in this event are reserved for entrants or airplanes from countries other than United States. The field will be made up definitely on August 15, 1948. The remaining unfilled places will be filled by United States airplanes of types to be selected by the Race Contest Committee on September 3, 1948


Sunday, September 5, 1948
Open Only to P-51, P-38 and P-63 Aircraft
Men Pilots Only
TOTAL PURSE $7,500.00 and the SOHIO TROPHY
Sponsored by the Standard Oil Company of Ohio

1. $7,000.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the winners of the first five places as follows:

1st Place- $3,150.00 and Trophy
2nd Place- $1,750.00        4th Place- $  700.00
3rd Place-  1.050.00        5th Place-    350.00

2. $500.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the pilot making of the fastest lap.

3. Handicap for each aircraft will be determined from the speeds astablished during the qualifying trials.  Slowest airplane will take off first, next slowest second, etc., at time interval signals from the Chief Starter. The first aircraft across the Finish Line will be declared the winner.

4. Time interval handicaps will be determined by National Air Races Technical Committee.

5. Distance:  105 miles- 7 laps of 15-mile course.

6. If winners' average speeds in this event are in excess of the speeds accomplished during their qualifying trials, they will automatically be disqualified.


Sunday, September 5, 1948
Open Only to AT-6 or SNJ Type Aircraft
Without Major Structural Modifications
Engine Cylinder Displacement Limited to 1350 Cubic Inches
Women Pilots Only
Sponsored by the Kendall Refining Company

1. $5,000.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the winners of the first five places as follows:

1st Place- $2,250.00 and Trophy
2nd Place- $1,250.00        4th Place- $  500.00
3rd Place-    750.00        5th Place-    250.00

2. $500.00 of the above total purse will be awarded to the pilot making the fastest lap.

3. Limited to eight (8) starters.

4. Distance: 75 miles- 5 laps of the 15-mile quadrangular course.

5. Starting field will be limited to the eight (8) fastest qualifiers.

6. If eight or less entrants, qualifying will not be necessary.

7. Qualifying trials must be done on Wednesday, September 1, 1948 ONLY.