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State of Michigan
Executive Office - Lansing
Michigan Aviation Week

The aviation industry and its continued development is of vital importance to the prosperity and welfare, and in the defense of out nation and our state.

Michigan, with every passing year, becomes more active in the field of aeronautics. Military aircraft based in our state are among the world's finest. Commercial aircraft operate from Michigan to every corner of the world. Industry and agriculture in Michigan both utilize aircraft extensively in their operations. Privately owned airplanes provide sport and convenient means of travel for our citizens and create business for other industries. The State of Michigan, itself, finds aviation an important element in the proper execution of its responsibilities.

The National Air Races, which will be held in conjunction with the 8th Annual Michigan Aviation Week, will provide the people of Michigan an opportunity to view the most recent advancements and I commend the Aero Club of Michigan for bringing this national event to our state. 

THEREFORE, I, G. Mennen Williams, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby proclaim August 11 to August 19, 1951, as


in Michigan, and urge that our people during its observance be acquainted with the significant advances in aviation, through displays of modern aircraft and demonstrations of aircraft activities, so that their support of this important industry may be strengthened and increased. 

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Michigan, this eighteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty-one, and of the Commonwealth the One Hundred Fifteenth.

Mennen Williams
