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This table will enable you to determine the average speed in miles per hour of each airplane as it makes one complete lap of the 2-1/2 mile course. For example: An airplane that takes 40 seconds to make one complete lap of the 2-1/2 mile course is traveling 225 miles per hour. 

[[2 column table]]
|2-1/2 Mile Course|Average Speed|
|Seconds|Miles Per Hour|

[[2 column table]]
|2-1/2 Mile Course|Average Speed|
|Seconds|Miles Per Hour|

This table is for determining the average speed over a 100 kilometer course. (62.14 miles). An airplane that takes 6 minutes and 13 seconds to make one complete lap is traveling 599 plus miles per hour.

[[2 columned table]]
|100 Kilometer Course (62.14 Miles)| Average Speed|
|Minutes and Seconds| Miles Per Hour|

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1951 National Air Races