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[[caption]]In this "Radioactive Materials Room" at Chrysler Laboratories, many stronger metals . . . better designs . . . smoother-running, longer-lasting parts have their beginning. Note the protective lead-and-rubber gloves and aprons, and the thick lead box in the foreground where "hot" parts are safely stored.[[/caption]]


The men in the picture are handling "hot" or radioactive automobile parts. That's the reason for their long-handled tools, the radiation exposure meter held by the man at the right - and their caution. It's all part of a new kind of research at Chrysler Corporation.

Our engineers send engine distributor points to the U. S. Atomic Plant at Oak Ridge, Tenn., where they are made radioactive in the famous Atomic Pile.

Returned to Detroit, a "hot" point is mounted in a standard distributor, and given a test run as though in your car. Ordinarily it takes hundreds of hours of engine operation for points to wear enough to be measured. But in a few minutes of this test, some radioactive atoms are transferred from the "hot" point - enough to be measure accurately by sensitive Geiger Counters.

In this way, we find out where wear starts, and how and why, and thus learn to develop better points that will run much longer without replacement.

Similar tests, using "hot" piston rings, gears, bearings and the like, are helping us to develop longer-lasting parts for cars and other vehicles, and improved ways of lubricating them.

Chrysler Corporation was an auto industry pioneer in this peaceful use of atomic energy. It's one more example of the practical imagination that leads directly to the fine performance and long life of the products we make. And another reason why our experience and skills are always ready for a wide variety of challenging jobs - from cars and trucks and military vehicles to industrial engines, heating and cooling systems - and even railroad freight car trucks.

Practical IMAGINATION guides research at CHRYSLER CORPORATION 

Airtemp Cooling, Heating Refrigeration  
Chrysler Marine & Industrial Engines 
Dodge Job-Rated Trucks  
Oilite Powdered Metal Products  
Mopar Parts & Accessories  

48              OFFICIAL PROGRAM and LOG