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Look closely at this little black box
NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE or what you do, the chances are good that this little black box will have a far-reaching effect on your way of life within the very near future.
  For this is "TRANSAC"*-the smallest, lightest, and fastest "electronic brain" yet announced-and its development by Philco scientists finally unlocks the door to mass production and widespread use of electronic computer and control systems in industry, science, business, and the Armed Forces.
  And a well-locked door it was-
  Because the Demand for the benefits of automatic computation mushrooming out of World War II has, until now, put a breaking strain on computer design. As they have grown more complex they have grown more cumbersome and harder to produce.
  Their thousands of vacuum tubes have generated not only heat and the need for bulky air-conditioning, but also problems of power consumption and maintenance. And their size and weight have barred their use in many urgent military application.
  To this dead-end situation Philco engineers brought a fresh outlook and combined it with their experience from pioneering the "Surface Barrier" Transistor.
  By utilizing the unique high frequency properties of the Philco "Surface Barrier" Transistor, they evolved an entirely new concept in computer design-the Philco Direct Coupled Transistor Circuits.
  This "direct coupling" of transistors is the key that unlocks the door.
  By one basic stroke, it cuts sharply the number of elements in a circuit, pares down the bulk and weight, slashes cost and production time... and speeds up computation!
  "TRANSAC", for example, is one-third smaller and lighter, and 10 times faster than any transistorized computer announced to date. It operates on one small battery, with less than 1/1000th of the power needed by a comparable vacuum tube computer, and generates less heat than a Christmas tree bulb.
  Yet it performs all computer functions-multiples, divides, Compares, and "carries" for 19 binary digits and algebraic sign, and also performs 416,000 complete additions or subtractions per second!
  The civilian applications for this system are limitless. And the military uses-with the emphasis on light-weight portability, low power consumption, and high accuracy-are only to be hinted at.
  Thus "TRANSAC" becomes one more example of the teamwork of Research, Engineering, and Application that has made "Philco" synonymous with "leadership" in Electronics.

"TRANSAC" - Trademark of Philco Corporation for Transistor Automatic Computer. For further information, write Philco, 4700 Wissahickon Avenue, Phila. 44, Penna.