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Timing, conducted by officials designated by the National Aeronautic Association, will be judged on the basis of and elapsed time from release of brakes on take-off to the bass-by at the Bendix pylon at Will Rogers Field. 
The first pilot will take off at 9:15 CST (7:15 PST), and the others at ten-minute intervals. In case of a weather close-in, the event will be rescheduled for Sept. 2. 
The Air Force has authorized supersonic let-downs, down to the 5,000 foot  level. The aircraft must have slowed to sub-sonic speed by the time it gets down to 5,000 feet. This is to prelude a supersonic boom over the field. 
A pilot who does not become airborne during take-off may be replaced by an alternate. However, once a pilot becomes airborne no substitution may be made. If he returns to base both he and his alternate will be declared ineligible. 
Inspection teams under the supervision of Capt. McCafferty will exapne each of the planes to determine eligibility. Upon completion of the inspection, the planes will be impounded and placed under guard. Crews will not be permitted near the aircraft without permission of Capt. McCafferty. 
Entries are designated "Bendix 1", "Bendix 2," and so on. Also, aircraft will be marked with colored clocked numerals placed on both sides of the rear fuselage idway between the vertical and horizontal stabilizers below the USAF serial number on the tail. 
Use of both course reconnaissance and in-flight weather aircraft have  been authorized. The Military Air Transport Service will furnish weather briefings and information on winds aloft through CAA stations along the course. 