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Carl Byoir & Associates, Inc.
10 East 40th Street, MU 6-3200
New York 16, New York

For Release in Newspapers of Sunday, August 26, 1956



Oklahoma City -- Capt. Manuel J. Fernandez (USAF), America's leading jet ace with fourteen and one-half "kills" to his credit in the Korean conflict, is entered in the Bendix Trophy classic, feature event of the National Aircraft Show due to open here Sept. 1, it was revealed today.

In addition to Capt. Fernandez, whose home is in Miami, other principal entries, all from the Tactical Air Command, are Capt. Robert A. Madden of University City, Mo.; 1st Lt. John R. Niemela of Peterborough, N.H.; Capt. Archie T. Iddings of Elkhorn, Va.; Capt. Aubrey C. Edinburg of Spur, Tex.; and Capt. Robert A. Farnsworth of Pascagoula, Miss.

The principal entries from the 479th Fighter-Day Wing of TAC, George Air Force base, Victorville, Calif. are:

Capt. Madden, 34th Fighter-Day Squadron; Capt. Fernandez, 413th Fighter-Day Group; and lieut. Niemela, 434th Fighter-Day Squadron.

Principal entries from the 450th Fighter-Day Wing, Victoria, Tex. are: Capt. Iddings, operations officer of the 450th Fighter-Day Group; Capt. Edinburg, operations officer of the 450th Fighter-Day Wing; and Capt. Farnsworth of the 450th Fighter-Day Squadron.

In case one of the six principal entries is unable to take off, he will be replaced by his alternate.

Alternates for each of the principals are as follows:
Capt. Madden -- Capt. Devern Gardner (Atoka, Okla.), lst Fighter-Day Squadron.

Transcription Notes:
REVIEWD - Some mistakes corrected. Can be marked "Complete and Pending Approval"