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Sen Center Leroy - Vice Chief Staff
1946 - Col. Leon W. Gray - Winner - Lockheed P80 - 494 mph
1947 - Col. Leon W. Gray - Winner - "   " - 507 "
[[strikethrough]]- Col. Clay Albright - Second [[/strikethrough]] - "   " - 486 "
[[strikethrough]]1948 - Capt. E. P. Aurand - Second - North American [[/strikethrough]] F51 - 484 mph
1951 - Col. George B. Thabault - Third - North American B45  - 532 mph 
1955 - Major Alvin R. Moorman - Second - North American F100 - 610 mph 
[[strikethrough]]1956 - Major M.J. (Pete) Fernandez - North American F-100C - 666 mph[[/strikethrough]]
Col Harry Evans 1954
1948 - Lt. Francis T. Brown, USN. Winner - Now at Empire Test pilots School in England
1953 - Col. Bill Whisner - Winner - Now stationed in France
1954 - Capt. Edward W. Kenny - Winner - Now on Okinawa handling F-100D 
Operational Readiness Training Program