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L. L. Swartz

September 19, 1957

Dear Les:

I was in Chisholm, Minnesota where a special day was proclaimed by the Governor for Captain Chandler and Colonel Gould because of their success in this year's Bendix Race.

Captain Chandler told me that he had examined the trophy carefully and couldn't find any plate for Colonel Leon W. Gray, who won in 1946 and 1947. I think you should have plates made at once and send them to Capt. Chandler and he will find a way of having these plates attached. Colonel Gray won in 1946 at 494 miles per/hour (4:08:25 minutes). He won the following year in the elapsed time 4:02:18 minutes at 507 miles per hour.


W. A. Mara


cc: Capt. Kenneth D. Chandler
11th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron
Duluth AFB
Duluth, Minnesota