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Office Agent Bureau. RF & AL
Jonesboro Geo  Decr 7th 1867

Maj J.R. Lewis 
A.I.G &c  Atlanta Ga

I have the honor to submit to you the following report, viz. There is about (75) Colored Children near this place that could go to School. The freedmen will Pay the board of the Teacher, and any other expenses that may be necessary " A Teacher Could get board at $12.00 per month with good famillys. Enclosed you will find the Deed, to a lot for School & Church purpose's, from Rev" R H Waters the Title is good"  Now with the assistance of about $175.00 a good house can be built - one that will be comfortable in every respect" I have examined this matter fulley  I think that the freedman is more willing to do all they can towards the Education of their Children. The best course would be to send a Teacher if it is Possible to get one as I don't think of any one that is competent that could be hired. 

All of which I respectfully submit to you for your action in the matter

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Sert
J.G.H. Waldrop Agt
Bureau RF & AL

Thro Bvt Maj F Mosebach
Sub Asst Comr
Atlanta Ga

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-17 13:38:05