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Transcription: {SPEAKER 1 NAME="SPEAKER 1"}
[00:22:16] {CLAPPING}
Good Lord, come by here, oh Lord come by here!
[00:22:25] {CLAPPING}
My Lord-
-come by here, come by here, my Lord, come by here!
[00:22:32] {CLAPPING}
Come by here, my Lord come by here! [pause] Oh, Lord come by here!
[00:22:44] {CLAPPING}
Come by here!
[00:22:47] {CLAPPING}
[inaudible] come by here!
[00:22:50] {CLAPPING}
[[inaudible]] come by here!
[00:22:53] {CLAPPING}
Oh, Lord, come by here!
[00:22:57] {CLAPPING}
[00:23:01] {CLAPPING}
Come by here. People are praying Lord, come by here!
[00:23:08] {CLAPPING}
People are praying, Lord come by here!
[00:23:12] {CLAPPING}
Lord, Lord, come by here!
People that cry a lot-
-come by here!
[00:23:22] {CLAPPING}
People that cry a lot, come by here!
[00:23:26] {CLAPPING}
People that cry a lot, come by here!
[00:23:30] {CLAPPING}
Oh Lord, come by here!
[00:23:38] {CLAPPING}
[[inaudible]] by here!
[00:23:40] {CLAPPING}
People are shooting, Lord come by here!
[00:23:44] {CLAPPING}
People are shooting, Lord come by here!
[00:23:47] {CLAPPING}
Oh Lord, come by here!
[00:23:53] {CLAPPING}
People are bombing, Lord, come by here!
People are bombing, Lord, come by here!
People are bombing, Lord, come by here!
Oh, Lord, come by here!
[00:24:11] {CLAPPING}
Come by here-
-my Lord, come by here!
Want to be free my Lord, come by here!
Want to be free my Lord, come by here!
Oh, Lord, come by here!
[00:24:27] {CLAPPING}
People are missing Lord-
-come by here!
People are missing Lord, come by here!
People are missing Lord, come by here!
Oh, Lord, come by here!
[[inaudible murmuring in background]]