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Transcription: [00:37:34]
I think that we ought to pay special attention to the conference kits.
'Cause they have been gathered from various projects and various agencies and are designed, not necessarily -- to -- all to be read here,
but I think more importantly to be taken back to your local communities, studied and applied where they can be.
Most of the literature for the conference can be found in the basement of the chapel, and all you have to do
is go down and get it.
Oh. There's a change in the change. Ms. Gude Wilthby [[?]] and she will be followed by Dr. Bryce. OK.
You are to know that there are two important pieces of information that belong in the kits and are not there.
These are reports on the Area Redevelopment Act and the pending amendments for the Manpower Retraining Act,
they will be handed out individually, I think some of you already have them.
We would-- like to say that this conference is for business, and we would like to separate social life