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Stoughton Sep 30th

Dear Doris,

This is lovely weather, we are having our second summer. rather too good to last much longer, next week is Brockton fair and I suppose they are counting on nice weather there, and they usually have it too.

I have been hard at it all day long first I got out my wash after breakfast, then I went at the tomatoes to chop with onions and peppers, I have got the chilly sauce on cooking, and the green ones all chopped ready for the salt to stand in over night.

This week I picked what concords there were over to the other place and made jellie then took my crab apples and made jellie of those, I had good luck also, but have got a few more to do when I get more sugar.

Lena went into see Jimmie and stayed 2 days, came home last night she is very quiet, we do not do any extra talking, find it doesn't pay in the long run.

Thursday I went up to Horaces, Sue said that Cousin Nettie had been there, but had gone to Randolph, but Percies brother was out for the week end. the next day she came down with some apples.

Coming home Winnie came out to the road and spoke, she inquired after you and said that she liked you and thought you were pretty. and wanted me to come over when her house was all done, Richard we hear is causing much trouble around town goes into Swans store and pitches into