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Stoughton Oct 29th

Dear Doris, 

Well this is another pleasant Sunday but with a cold North West wind I have just been down to Sids Mothers with those persimmons, they came in very good condition and were very nice. I am sitting here in the sun in the bay window to keep warm no heat we are going to run the oil heater till its colder weather. Pa now has it down to his store waiting for Randall to come and fix up his store stove. every one wants him at once. Lena is in Maynard staying over the week end she is an awful cold mortal but she is not going with the Herricks she had a letter from Ilga saying their expedition were goin to start this week humid up to the last and that Lena hadnt got her reservations spoken for ahead

Transcription Notes:
NOTE: Town name is Stoughton. Have corrected it here.