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Saturday night

Dear Doris
I have just finished the jacket, and will write my letter before Pa gets home. he said when he went off to the store from supper, that he'd be d--ed if he was going to keep open 'till 9 o clock to night. see if he did. so I shall expect to see him poking in anytime after 1/2 past 8 or so. 
Well its a driving snow storm and has been going all day, but not so cold, about 30° above, though I think now its growing colder. I have washed out my clothes and they are strung out over the dryer in the kitchen. Thursday night Lena walked in on us. about supper time. it seems that Miss Leadbetter has lit into her again. she means to get rid of her if possible, so Lena is going to see Broadhead the superintendent and have  a talk with him on a few things, and came home after a few letters to show him, she is pretty much stirred up about the way things have gone lately, it made her sick as usual. I hope she can get the better of her but cant tell how its going to come out. We are anxious but she wont