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I take it now I have aroused your curiosity a lot. really, there is'nt much that I could understand but she spoke of Doris Holmes, now Blake, in conection with a letter you had written and sent off, to some foreign country, on your childhood days, and a great long name, meaning love, do you make anything out of that? I could not understand it but perhaps you can patch it together and know what it means. you and Madeline were up to so many things in those days that I didnt pretend to keep track of half your pranks. I knew you were having a good time and all that I feared was, of your taking cold you was'nt as tough as she was, I guess her strength was given her for just what they require of her, a pack horse. poor girl but the Lord may look out for her at last. In regard to Drake, he is having one of his spells and Pearl says, that he is subject to them and its best to let him alone till he gets over them, but he is terribly aggravating and gets on peoples nerves, he is so unreasonable dont speak to me even, it begun about the time you were here and we wanted him to harness the old horse, you know how he acted darn such folks, he must be struck with the same disease his wife had Pearl says he likes there and they all do and to let him guilt. I have made some pink tatting to finish the neck of your