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Church with the Lodge more than a hundred Turned out to hear the young man talk he done very well none of the old style Methodist doctrine was touched on in his talk I have no evening out the coming week so I shall have a chance to rest up some

Pa who has got stuck and expects me to help him out he is now at the woodpile he can't let it alone till its finished. We have just been having our naps and he has written his weekly letter to Lena. There is not much more to write about. John Harris is about to be married next Tuesday he is in Newton most of the week, his mother is most distracted on account of it, you see she has lost so many of her boys and she feels that this is about as bad, and it is only a little bit removed. Vincent is working with Louie Dykeman painting he seems all straight now those boys are very good to their mother and give her a good life, she has been very sick this spring and has been put on a diet for diabeties. I am out of doors most of the time and feel lost without my Jackets I dont see why they dont come: Mrs Griffin knits sweaters for her girls, she is knitting one for Edna now, it is drop stich [[stitch]], lavender, she says Effie has a very nice house that she lives in, all hard wood floors waxed, and that her husband is a good man, and nice looking, both men are Masons Ednas hubby is Chaplain of the lodge out to Baltimore and Edna is smart as a whip and can help him in writing his sermons and likes society and fits into any crowd and different from Effie, she only can talk under difficulties dont care much for society, like her Pa.