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Doris Today is a dull cloudy one so far I have done nothing but sit around only doing the Barn work. we are having Squash Beets Carrotts & Cukes to day from the garden, and shall have some Shelled Beans by next Sunday am sure there has been no rain for more than 10 days so the grass in the lawn is not needing so much mowing. was telling Ralph of your plans to go down to Harbor it seemed to strike him a little hard in a way he said why, they can get all the swimming they want down to my place, but I told him you would not be away Sundays. he is very busy just now he is putting the Poll Tax Bills out will have them in the mail by Tuesday I think. he is working hard all the time and cant get away any too much. you see the Bank day comes the Sat & 12 & Monday Tuesday 14 of August, so perhaps your date of 14 to 18 down to the Harbor would be good. I think he will want you & Sid to spend some time at Nantasket. I shall not get any time in August off as I can see the Powells have got an old Ford and it is going early & late bad for any one who wants to go to bed early. I have had a catch in my back since last Wednesday.
