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 Chlamys conifera  Lac. 
Chlamys conifera  Lac., Phyt. vol.2, p. 733, 1848. 
     This was described by Lacordaire from Brazil. His detailed description fits a beetle collected by Mr. F. Zayas on the Tinea Maicas in the Maicos Mts. [[Strikethrough]] in [[/Strikethrough]] near Pande Matanzas mountain m3 Province, Cuba, in May 1933, on Malpighia cubensis H.B.K. Apparently this beetle has not been collected since Suffrian in 1866 2 mentioned Cuban specimens collected by Gundlach and determined by the collector as  Chlamys conifera Lac. Suffrian remarked that its exact correspondence with Lacordaire's description left no doubt that this was that species. He questioned the authenticity of the locality, Brazil, given by Lacordaire, and believed it to be erroneous. This additional collection of the beetle is worth noting and a drawing has been made for the benefit of future workers on the genus.
[[?]] vol 32, p. 289, 1866