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Sunday afternoon

Dear Doris

Well they have all written but me and it rests with me to tell you my bit of news. Lena came Wednesday night after supper and she had hardly got settled before Mrs Blake came up and spent the evening with us and saw the pictures which interested her much. I was much surprised to get a letter from Aunt Sue will send it on for your benefit as it is quite interesting in its description of Georges home and the surroundings. Bobbie has been quite bad this week after his last fit he has been soft of paralyzed and at times it seems hard work for him to get around although last night, he came very near getting into a dogfight with the Shepard dog over to Labbertys the next house, it was this way their dog has been in the habit of coming over here to drink in the plate of water we have in the front yard for the birds and our dog it seemed disputed his right to do so. I heard this great commotion and flew out just in time to stop

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