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it, and came to the conclusion that B was'nt as bad as he migh be. I suppose you are away on that swimming excursion to day hope you get your fill of the first good salt water swim of the season. Mrs Drake is pretty bad her husband thinks. the Dr says she has tuberculosis now and is'nt able to sit up at all seems as though its developed very rapidly since she came home she has to be lifted by the nurse from one bed to the other which is pretty hard work for her nurse, as she thinks her a great pace, dont think she can last long at that rate. she may even so, Seems as thoug this day is growing cooler every minute the wind is increasing and seem like a storm hope it dont get hot again. there are no berries this summer at least no one comes aroung [[around]] with any and I am afraid to go up to the pasture on account of the brown tail caterpillars the only things I am looking forward to putting up this season are tomatoes and apples which there are an abundance of, our tomatoes are coming on pretty fast now. Our Polanders across the way are having a party I should think for there is a crowd collecting and lots of music in the air, well never mind glad they are happy they dont disturb us yet. Pa has just returned from the cemetery and says I am to draws this letter to a close as he is going down to mail it very soon so as I have written all I can think of importance I will say good bye for now


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