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This winter am thinking of having Fred put some shingles on the Back roof of the old place if I can scratch enough money to do it before it snows up for the winter, he is at work down to Indian Lane now and will be, for two weeks I think, but [?] has just gone off for a tramp he has been on the go all day found him most down Town when I came from the Store this morning found to [[?]] to day It has warmed up a little the afternoon. I put on one of those new shirts for the first time seemed to be alright so far. I may go to Boston tomorrow, for a few hours to get some things for Thanksgiving trade only a few goods as I have nearly all I need.  Henry Johnson's place has been sold and the folk here moved in some one from Maine I am told young people, am in hopes you will be in some other place when we hear from you again. [[Budidae?]] has just got home.  all in panting as if it was hot.  Your Pa
