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Feb 1st Saturday night

Dear Doris-
Well Feb came in cold and blustering this morning we found the thermometer 16° above, and blowing from the south west. Our window rattled so we couldn't sleep till we got up and fixed the critter, by stuffing it with matches. Charley came this week in his uniform which he was very proud of and is anxious to retain, certainly, its very becoming to the lad. You cannot get him off the subject of war, I think it will last him the rest of his life. Percy thinks him improved from the training. He stayed three days here and at Horaces then went up to Emilys and soon to Aron. And home today. He says he's coming out often. Harry is still across in the medical department, (Base hospital,) he is liable to stay some little time and will probably see more of France. Charley did not think much of the French people, guess he was homesick, seems glad to be back again, he is very polite, better mannered, fine looking, Louisa Johnson was carried away with him she said he was handsome, and talked fine, she thinks old Charles nice looking, so does Abbie. I am making me some new curtains and setting in those little tatting medallions 

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