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                       Sloughton, Aug 3rd
Dear Doris,
  Well another week of nice cool weather since Monday, has gone by us, Sunday this is a beautiful day so cool that Lena and I have been out on the front porch in the sun and she is out on the steps reading the Sunday paper now while Pa is up stairs cleaning up and changing his clothes. Lena has finished her school and is in a quandry what to do next she hates to go back to Miss Leadbetter. I am picking my blackberries a little every day just enough to eat on the table, they are not filled out very well this year, I guess that dry spell we had in June fixed them, any how, something blighted them. we are not fighting worms in the garden so you see there seems to be something for everything, our cucumbers are doing fine and Lena enjoys them she eats a whole one at a meal I only wish your apetite [[appetite]] was as good as hers. My yarn came Friday & I am busy all the time last week I sent off sixteen jacket over five dollars worth so you see they count up after all. We have not seen anything of Dr Shorer since last Sunday when she came all dressed up in pink and wanted Lena to go to walk with her it was dreadful hot that day and I had'nt changed.

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Lena and Pa have gone to walk down to Indian oven after berries & I have just hung out some washing on the back line Bobbie is streaching [[stretching]] on the floor at my feet it's a lovely day for most any thing. Mamie Wales is afraid Mrs Wals'es property will go to Ethel Jackwin, which in spite of every thing will. The [[they]] dont need any more and then there is no love between the two families nor never was, they never used the old lady decent and she feels it I guess she has had hard times her husband was an old hog.