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Sunday Noon Nov 24th

Dear Doris

Well dinner is cooking and I will write the letter it takes me a long time to write for there isnt [[isn't]] much to write about. By the way Horace and Sue have arrived although I have not seen them yet. I went down to Alice Talbots Friday and intended calling on Helen but she was out calling herself Yesterday I cleaned the sitting room and Friday forenoon my pantry doing a little at a time. Yesterday it blew up cold an ideal day for cleaning carpets and rugs and I thoroughly enjoyed it, the ground froze last night but the wind has got around into the south and its warming up some. I have made two squash pies this morning as yesterday I did but little cooking. The yarn came yesterday so I'l [[I'll]] have that to fall back on to keep me on the quiet list there is so much ought to be done I have to dig out once in a while we haven't started our heater yet but have a good fire in the kitchen that heats enough by afternoon the sun gets around & that does the rest Pa has got on all the outside windows which are also a big help