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Sunday noon Oct 13th

Dear Doris

While waiting for dinner to cook I will [[jaut?]] in a little time writing to you folks. This is an ideal chestnut-day rainy in the early morning and sunny in the middle of the day the cuts are constantly falling Pa is just bringing in a handful. We are all well and pretty busy my yarn designs come they are sending it slow from the city guess its growing scarce like everything else that they send across. Thursday we went up to the old place they are carrying off the stones from the flower field on the Colins place there are three hero horse teams carting them down town I think to the stone crusher. We roamed around the old Porter place after going through our old pasture where the big rock as large as the house is. it had grown up to trees so I did'nt recognize the old stone cart path down to the rock, then over the hills and through the loomy farm home I enjoyed it but was pretty tired when we got home. it was a lovely day with not a breath of air stiring to make cold the sitting out on rocks and the sun was nice and warm + as we looked across lots

Lena is bringing in the chestnuts fast, the wind is rising and is blowing them down she enjoys picking them up. we. [[?]] some last night they were good, I had never eaten them so before I think she is making her some night dresses. have you got yours yet but the weather is not so you need them there yet I suppose Esther Drake has gone to work she is book keeper [[dow]] to Kenwrothys we were surprized we didnt think she was able to walk so far. much more work all fay did you [[?]] her mother will finish her yet its her doings. they say. Ally [[?]] family are going to more town [[?]] they are going to be there by the first of November. your father is down there now to get him to [[?]] on that [[Henry Jones estate]]

so not to leave him to do so much.