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table. Sunday morn - We have just got back from the cemetery after taking off the withered bouquets. The places look well, the rododendons are all in bloom. I never saw Abbies stone before. The Waylands are having their plot fixed up, it is in a bad condition now. Pa is out mowing the lawn the grass is always growing faster than anywhere else. I planted some Petunias do you remember when you were a little tot of saving some seeds in a little white box and putting them into my machine draw? Well those were the seeds I planted yesterday. I'v [[I've]] no idea they will come up they are so old, but lets see if they are any good. We are going to have a pot roast I cooked it yesterday with asparagus, cabbage, + mince Pie for desert [[dessert]]. I think 'tis coming out fair pretty soon now its muggy. a bird morning, they are twittering in every bush well I will draw this to a close and let Pa do the rest. Ma