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& Auntie, I can not shake that. 
Do you know what they feel like? Heavy shackles on your feet.

I will be glad  when I see the day come, when I can shake that cast. I told my wife that I will feel like dancing a jig, or, something like that. 33-day's to me is along [[a long]] time to wait for that damn'd thing to be removed. But what can I do, nothing I can see, just grin and bare [[bear]] it. 

Well, cheer up, my dear folks, I will see you sometime next year if the weather holds good. 

Takes a lot of courage and will power to stand up under it. Now, I do not know what I would do with out my wife. Honest to God I would be lost. She is great I do do not mean in size, but, we just get along wonderful together. Have a lot of fun. So I will close now. We both wish you a happy New Year & Lots of Love, Oceans of Love to Auntie & Blanche...
Lillian & Charles