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[[4 columned table]]

|Jany 16. 31. 3 each | Ranials. Henry E. Capt & Sub Comr Dist Meridian. | Vouchers of O.C. Eason for 990 lbs of Nails at 12¢ per pound, for use of Howard Orphan asylum. See EHO, Letters received 1866- | Retd to R&DO. 1/15

|Jany 16. 32 3 each | Smith Geo S USa/ Sub-Commr Dist Columbus | Vouchers of Noah Goff for cost of wood for Jany 1867, for his office. $9- | Retd to R&DO 1/16- |

|June 17, 33 3 enclos | Stringey, Thos W | Vouchers for actual expenses incurred & expended in repairing cold church building on Jackson road. Vicksburg, to render the same tenable for a school for freedmen. $50- | Retd to R&DO 1/17|

Jany 17 34| Smith {Gwai?} Sub Comm Dist Columbus|Vouchers for cash paid for postage from Oct31st to Dec 31st $7.60 and Express $1.00|Rctd to R&B O 1/17

Jany 19, 35 3 enclosure| Scully J.W. Capt R&DO|Vouchers for Cash paid for postage from Dec 1st to 31st 1866 $11.00. Cash paid for telegraphing for Bureau during December $18.40|Returned to R&DO 1/19

Jan 23 36| Eldridge, Wm H. Lt. Col. Sub Comm Dist Brookhaven|Requisition for six office chairs. Vouchers for one cord of wood $7- 2 Gall Oil $3 11 Brooms 50 cents| Retd to R&DO 1/23 approved

Jan 23 37 12 enclo's| Parry, Ub.A. Agent|Vouchers for transportation in favor of Maggie Horton $29.40 Amelia Holmes $29.40 Susan O. Sullivan $28.80 Clara L. Baldwin $28.80| Retd to Uleg Parry approved 1/23

Jan 25 38 {genel?} Narwood A.A. Teacher Grenada|Transportation Vouchers $35.50 Monthly allowance for Mar'66 $20 and for Dec'r '66 $20 Average 62 pupils| Retd Ute Bardwell approved 1/25

Jan 25 39 3 encl| Shull Ub. R. Brookhaven|Transportation Vouchers $39.75| Ret'd W. Bardwell approved 1/25

Jan 29 40 3 enclo| Holt, R.S. Atty Yazoo City| Vouchers for legal services in preparing a petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus for restoration to Henry Pickett Col'd of his children illegally apprenticed $50.00| Retd to R&DO 1/29

Jan 20 41 3 encl| Gillerro FP Vicksburg|vouchers
for his services as AA Surg at Natchez for December 69 $45.00| Ret'd to A&DO 1/29

Jan 29 42 9 encl| Cumings, Chas T. Teacher Brookhaven| Voucher for monthly allowance for school of 70 pupils for Dec $20 and for November 95 pupils %20 and Vouchers for transportation of self from Oberlin Brookhaven Miss $46.10| Retd to R&DO 1/29