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[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Apr 3 144 3 enclos | Duncan E. A. A.A. Surg. Vicksburg | Vouchers for services during March 67. $99.17 | Retd to DO 4/3 |

| Apr 3d 145 7 enclos | Penniman H. H. A.A. Surg Lauderdale | Vouchers for his services during March. 67. $99.17 Receipt Roll & Report of Persons & Articles Hired at Howard Hospital for March. $235.00 | Retd to DO 4/3 |

| Apr 3d 146. 5 enclos | Foster Chas A. A.A. Surg. Vicksburg | Requisitions for Forage for one private horse for April.67 and for Fuel for Freedmen's Bureau Hospital (24 fires) for April | Retd to DO & AQM 4/3 Requisitions for fuel recd Bk & retd to Dr Foster 4/9 |

| Apr 5. 147. 4 enclos | Gillette F. P. A.A. Surg. Natchez. | Report of Persons and Articles Hired & receipt rolls of Employees of Hospital $305. | Retd to D.O. 4/6 |

| April 9. 148 4 enclos | Ryan, Wm L. Maj. Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist Greenville | Report of Persons & Articles Hired for March 67, and Vouchers of D M Shannahan for rent of office for March $50 | Retd to D.O. 4/9 |

| April 9. 149. 3 enclos | Adam G Gordon | Vouchers for services rendered as Solicitor of Bureau for March. 67. $125.00 | Retd to Mr Adam 4/9 |

| April 10. 150. 1 enclo | White. D. M. Lieut Sub Asst Com'r Sub Dist Yazoo | Report of Persons & Articles hired (one building @ $75) for Mch | Retd to D.O. 4/10 |

[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| April 10. 151. 7 enclos | Eldridge Wm H Col. Sub Asst Comr. Sub Dist Brookhaven | Report of Persons & Articles Hired. Vouchers in favor of Jno J. carson for one Cord of wood $3.50 - 1 Gal Ker Oil $1.50. Stephen Smith for cutting 3 cord of wood & scrubbing office $5.50 All for Mch. | Retd to D.O. 4/10 |

| April 10. 152. 3 enclos | Smith Geo S Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist Columbus | Vouchers in favor of Dick Jones, for rent of office for March 67. $35 | Retd to DO 4/10 |

| April 10. 153. 10 enclos | Sunderland J. W. Capt Sub Asst Commr Sub Dist Lauderdale | Report of Persons & Articles Hired for March. $296.00 and Receipt Roll of Employees 289.17 Vouchers in favor of W. B. Wilkinson, for 15 Cord of Wood @ $3.50 per Cord. $52.50 | Retd to DO 4/10 |

| April 10. 154. 3 enclos | Platt E. E. Capt Sub Asst Commr Sub Dist Natchez | Vouchers for cash paid for Postage during March 67 $5.50 | Retd to DO 4/10 |

| April 10. 155. 3 enclos | Corliss Geo. W. Maj Sub Asst Com'r Sub Dist P Christian | Vouchers in favor of L. E. Prodal for forage purchased for one public horse. $27.07 | Retd to AQM to know if forage cannot be furnished from V Rig 4/10 |

| April 10. 156. 6 enclos | Shipley J. N. Lieut Sub Asst Com'r Sub Dist Grenada | Vouchers in his favor or Cash paid for Postage from Jany 1st to Mch 31st $15.75 & Vouchers in favor of Wm M Hoaking for office rent for March 67, $ 40.00 | Retd to D.O. 4/10 |