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[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| April 10 154. 21 enclos | Scully. J. W. Capt D.O. Bureau | Receipt Rolls of Employees Disbursing officer 272.09 123.75 for March. 67. Requisition for fuel D.O. for Feby. 67- Vouchers in favor of N.V. Lane. for rent of two rooms for March. 67. $35.00 Chas Allen rent of one building for March $50.00. Requisition for Fuel for Office. DO. for March 67. List of QM Stores expended in office D.O. during March 67. List of Stationery expended in B.R.F.& A.L. March '67. List of Articles Lost or Destroyed. (Paper stolen from Asst Com'r Office) | Returned 4/10 |

| April 15. 158, 4 enclos. | Gardner. Robt P. Capt Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist Jackson. | Report of Persons & Articles Hired for March. Vouchers in favor of J. Strauss for office rent. $65.00 | Retd. to D.O. 4/15 |

| April 15. 159. 3. enclos | Cade, C.G. AA Surg Jackson | Vouchers for his services during March '67. $50.00 | Retd to D.O. 4/15 |

| April 15. 160. 3 enclos | Gillette. F.B. A A Surg Natchez | Vouchers for services during March. 67. $75.00 | Retd to D.O. 4/15 |

| April 16. 161. 3 enclos | Sunderland. J.W. Capt. Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist Lauderdale | Vouchers in favor of William Clapton, for hauling 15 loads of Govt Stores from S R R to W & O R R Depot. for shipment to Lauderdale @ 40ct per load $6.00 | Retd to D.O. 4/17 |

| April 16. 162. 6 enclos | Platt, E.E. Capt Sub Asst Commr Sub Dist Natchez | Vouchers in favor of Andrew Brown, for Office rent for March '67. $65 00 Voucher of Wm Huston. for one cord of wood for March. $8 00 | Retd to D.O. 4/17 |

| April 17. 163. 2 enclos | Foster. Chas A. AA Surgeon Vicksburg | Requisition for Fuel for Freedmens Bureau Hospital for April. 18 Fires |
Retd to D.O. 4/17 |

| April 18. 164. 4 enclos | Eldridge. Wm H Bvt Lt Col. Sub Asst Comr Sub dist Brookhaven | Report of Persons & Articles Hired for March. & Vouchers in favor of Harriet A Lewis for monthly rent of Rive Bluff school. 106. pupils $25. | Retd to D.O. 4/18. |

| April 18. 165 42 enclos | Platt. E.E. Capt Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist Natchez | Forwards the following school Vouchers for monthly rent of Freedmen Schools: Mary E. Reeves. “Union School" 80 pupils $25. Jany. and for Feby 58 pupils $20. A.W. Somers "Rose Hill" School. 99 pupils for March. $25 and for Feby 95 pupils. $25. J.W. Stryker "Union School" for March 83 pupils. $25. Charles W. Fitzhugh "Union School" at Woodville. Miss. Feby. 67 for 101 pupils. $25. S.A. Granderson. "Busy Bees" School Jany 42 pupils $15. for Feby and March. $20. each. H.P. Jacobs "Liberty" School for Feby 70 pupils. $25. & for March 85 pupils $25. B.V. Harris. "Lincoln School" 32 pupils Jany. $15 & for Feby & March 50 & 52 pupils $20. each mo. |  
Retd to D.O. 4/18 |

Transcription Notes:
Arrange as a table of 4 columns.