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[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| April 25. 176. 1 enclos. | Platt E.E.Capt Sub Asst Comms Sub Dist Natchez|Consolidated Report of Persons & Articles Hired for March. | Refd to D.O. 4/25. |

| April 25, 177. 6 enclos| Sunderland. J.W. Capt Sub Asst Coms Sub Dist Lauderdale | Recept Rolls of Employees for April. 67 $299.17|Refd to D.O. #125. |

| April 25. 178 | Moore. J.D. Lieut Sub Asst Comms Sub Dist Corinth | Report of Persons & Articles for Oct Nov & Dec. Vouchers in favor of Harriet S. Sheneer for monthly rent of Schools at Pontotoc Miss for Oct.27 pupils $10. Nov 27 pupils $10 Dec. 27 pupils $10.00 |

| April 26. 179 6 enclos | Platt. E.E. Capt Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist Natchez | Vouchers in favor of the Amer Missionary Association (J.P.[[?]]Bardwell, Agt) for rent of the lot of land on Rose Hill, Natchez for the Union School House, for April 67. $12.00 & for rent of Lot of Sand on High Street for Freedmens School, for April $12.00|Reft to D O 4/26. |

| April 30. 180 | Chapman J.H. Capt Sub. Asst Comr Sub Dist Vicksburg | Transmits Vouchers in favor of a clerk in his office| Retd. Approved. 5/1.

| May 1st 187 2 enclos.| Frazer, Jas I. [[?]] Supt Schools Vicksburg | Vouchers for monthly rent of School known as Normal & Graded Schools Vicksburg, for April 3 90 pupils $135 00 | 


| May 1. 182. 2 enclos | Brown. Arza. Teacher Vicksburg. | Vouchers for monthly rent of Wesley Chapel School, for April. 103. pupils $25 00 | Rtd to D.O 5/3 |

| May 1 183. 2 enclos. | White, D.W. Lieut Sub. Asst Coms Sub Dist Yazoo. | Vouchers on favor of Sam'l T. Maney, for rent of office for March from the 22nd. @$75-$22.00 & for April $75. Vouchers for Laura S. Starke for Monthly rent of Morgan School at [[?]], for April 28, pupils $15. & Vouchers of L.A. Willison, for Mo rent of Yazoo City School for April, 60 pupils $15"" | Retd to D.O. 5/2 |

| May 2, 184 5 enclos | Rossiter, E B Lt Sub Asst Comr Sub Dist Oxford | Vouchers for travelling expenses actually incurred from Columbus to Grenada $31.50 | Retd to D.O. 5/2 |

| May 3 185. 2 encl's | Cade, C.G. A A Surg Jackson | Vouchers in his favor for services during April 1867 $50.00 | Reft to D.O. 5/3 |

| May 3d 186 6 enclos | Platt, E.E. Capt Sub-Asst Comr Sub Dist Natchez | Monthly return of Q.M. stores, rec'd & issued in Apl. 67. Consolidated Report of Persons & Articles hired. April 67, & the following Vouchers for mo rent of Freedmen Schools, viz: Lilly A. Granderson, "Working Bees School, Natchez, April. 54 pupils $20.00 J.W. Stryker. union School, Natchez, April 86 pupils. $25.00 N.P. Jacobs, Mirkle Bank School, Natchez April. 77 pupils $20 00 | Retd to D.O. 5/3. |     




Transcription Notes:
"Rtd" & "Retd" for "Returned"