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[[4 Columned Table]]
| June 5th/67 348 1 enclosure | Refugees Freedmen &c. Bureau of. by F.D. Sewall, A.A.A.G. | Forwards appointments, dated June 1st 1867, to be forwarded to the following named parties - Copies of oath to be returned to this office. M. Kretschman, Clerk $125.00 Samuel Goozee Clerk 100.00 Lewis P. Smith Clerk 100.00 John Kennedy Clerk 125.00 C.S. Burnhand Clerk 100.00 C.A. Nelson Clerk 100.00 Frank Packard Clerk 100.00 James H. Pierce Clerk 100.00 J.P. Bardwell Agent 100.00 | Forwarded June 10th 1867 |

| June 10, 349 4 enclosures | Scully, Capt. J.W. Disbursing Officer | Report of Persons and articles hired at Natchez Miss. and Report of Persons and articles at Meridian Miss. | Returned to Capt. Scully  Approved 6/10. | 

| June 11th 350. 8 enclosures 4 enclosures | Corliss Geo. W. Major Sub-Asst. Commr Sub-Dist. Pass Christian | Transmits monthly return of Quartermaster's stores for April 1867. in lieu of those returned by Capt. Scully for correction. Also monthly return of Quartermaster stores for May 1867. | Ret. to Capt. Scully 6/12 |

| June 11th 351 2 enclosures | Shepley Lieut J.H. Sub-Asst. Commr Sub-Dist. Grenada | Special requisitions for one horse and riding equipments | Returns to Lieut Shepley No horses on hand for issue - 6/12 | 

| June 11th 352 | Moore John D. Lieut Sub-Asst. Commr Sub-Dist. Corinth | Transmits school reports for the month of May 1867. Refd to Supt. of schools - 6/12 | 

| June 11th 353 4 enclosures | Moore Jno. D. Lieut. Sub Asst. Commr Sub Dist. Corinth | Vouchers in favor of E. Rubel & Co. for building used as an office $30.00 George Hamilton for rent of building used a s freemen's school $15.00 | Refd. to Capt. Scully D.O. 6/12. |

| June 12. 354. 6 enclosures | Gardner, Capt. R.P. Sub Asst. Commr. Sub-Dist. Jackson | Transmits school reports of his Sub-District for May 1867. Also vouchers for monthly rent of freedmen's schools in favor of  Elma Cope $15.00 Mattie I. Pennock 15.00 Hezekiah Ellsworth 25.00 A. Jackson 20.00 Buelah C. Ellyson 20.00. | Refd, to H.R. Pease, Supt. Schools, who will if vouchers are approved return for approval of Asst. Commr. 6.12 |

| June 12 355 2 enclosures | Pease H.R. Supt. of Schools | makes requisition for one horse an riding equipments | Transfd to S.D.M. - 6/12 2 enclosures |

| June 12 356. 4 enclosures to D.O. | Chapman Capt. J.H. Sub-Asst. Commr. Sub-Dist. Miss. | Forwards school reports of his Sub-District for May 1864 also vouchers in favor of James I Frazer $125.00 Arza Brown 25.00 for monthly rent of Freedmen's school | Refd to H.R. Pease, Supt. Schools, who will, if vouchers are approved for return for approval of Asst Commr. 6/12 |

| June 12th 357 1 enclosure |  Sunderland Capt.J W. Sub-Asst Commr Sub-Dist. Lauderdale | Forwards vouchers for monthly rent of freedmens school in favor of M.L. Jarvis $45.00  Miss R. Constantina $20.00. Vouchers in favor of himself for actual expenses incurred in investigating complaint of Orange Gully vs. Philomon Gully $12.00 expenses incurred in complying with instructions from Office Asst. Commr dated Apl. 13th and May 10th $32.00 Vouchers in favor of William Clapton for hauling stores from So.R.R. Dept. to Mobile & Ohio Dept at Meridian for reshipment to Lauderdale $8.00 Report of persons and articles hired for May 1867 | Refd. to Capt. to Capt. J.W. Scully D.O. 6/12 |

Transcription Notes:
George W. Corliss Philomon Gully - male - 1870 in Lauderdale County, MS. Lieut. J. H. "SHEPLEY" - NOT "SHIPLEY"!!