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[[4 Columned Table]]
| July 12 419 2 enclosures | Ross Wm H. Agent Sub Dist Columbus | Forwards vouchers in favor of J.H. Terry for services as clerk from 1st to 25th day of June inclusive  $83.33 | Refd. to D.O. with 418-420 7/14 |

| July 16 420 2 enclosures | Shepley Lieut J.H. Sub Asst. Commr | Forwards vouchers in favor of J.J. Wynath for fuel furnished S.A.C. form Mch 1st to April 30th $12.00 | Refd. to D.O. with 418-419 7/17 |

| July 17 421 6 enclosures | Huggins Allen P. Agent Sub Dist Yazoo | Forwards Report of Persons employed and hired and receipt rolls for May & June 1867. $183.33 | Refd. to D.O. with 422 & 423 7/17 |

| July 17 422 2 enclosures| Alden A.S. Agent Sub-Dist Port Gibson| Vouchers for cash paid for postage in June 1864 $1.77 | Refd. to D.O. with 421 & 423 - 7/17 |

| July 17 423 9 enclosures| Tedford, Frank J. late Agent Bureau | Vouchers for his services as Agent Bureau for part of January, for February and March 1867, and for cash paid for stationery and postage during that time  $110.41  | Refd. to D.O. with 421 & 422 - 7/17. |

| July 18 424| Smith Geo. S. Bvt. Maj. Sub-Asst. Commissioner | Forwards vouchers and abstracts of provisions issued under Joint Resolution of Congress | Forwarded to Genl. How. and 7/18 | 

| July 18 425 2 enclosures | Whitney John Lieut. Sub-Asst Commissioner | Forwards vouchers for rent of office for June 1867  $50.00 | Refd. to D.O. 7/19 |


| July 18 426 2 enclosures | Gilbreath E.C. Lieut. Sub-Asst.Commissioner | Forwarded vouchers for 6 chairs for use office S.A.C. in favor of Joseph Cope $6.00 | Ret. for vouchers in proper form and for certificate as to month in which the articles have been or will be accounted for 7/18. Recd. back and refd to D.O. 7/24 Ret. by D.O. 7/26 - for correction - The signature should correspond with the heading &c. Recd. at off. Asst. Com 7/31 and refd. to D.O. approved. | |

| July 18 427 2 enclosures| Shepley J.H. Lieut. Sub-Asst. Commissioner | Forwards Special requisitions for stationery and requests blanks for monthly returns.| Ret. attention invited to Bureau off. manual page 28-E for reffering to office furniture & stationery 7/19. |

| July 20 428 1 enclosure|   | Bills in favor of steamers "Richmond," "Quitman," and "National" for freight on boxes and charges on wharfboat &c  $18.38| Refd. to D.O. for payment The stores have all been received 7/20 Rec bk for app'l & act. 7/22 |

| July 20 429 3 enclosures| Preston A.W. Bvt. Maj. A.A.A. General. | Forwards vouchers in favor of R. Allison & co Supt. Type Foundry Cincinnati Ohio, for a paper cutter and printing material $68.48| Refd. to Col Pierce D.O. who will forward the amount to R. Allison of Cincinnati Ohio 7/20 |

|July 20 430 2 enclosures | Sunderland J.W. Captain Sub-Asst Commissioner | Encloses Special requisition for stores and Q.M. property for use of Hospitals and Asylum at Lauderdale | Refd. to D.O. 7/20 |

| July 20 431 3 enclosures| Pruess, Thad K. Agent Sub-Dist. Oxford | Forwards report of persons and articles employed and hired for June 1867 also receipt roll for his services as Agent for month of June 1867  $100.00 | Refd. to D.O. 7/20 |

| July 23 432 | Norton, Thos. H. Bvt. Maj. Sub-Asst Commissioner| Forwards abstract of issues and vouchers for rations issued to destitute for June 1867. | Forward to Major General Kennerd Commissioner 7/25 |


Transcription Notes:
James H. SHEPLEY - NOT "Shipley" - looked up on internet. The staff list found in INSTRUCTIONS is mistaken. Found another mistake on it too. **These reports are from 1867, not 1864. That "7" is funny looking, but that is how they made it, to distinquish it from a "4".