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[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Aug. 1st 441 5 enclosures | Long A.K. Agent Brookhaven Miss. | Forwards vouchers for his services from 29th June to 31st July 1867 inclusive $106.66 Encloses his appointment and orders of assignment | Refd. to D.O. who will return the appt (and other papers not necessary to accompany his vouchers to Mr Long together with check for amount 8/1 |

| Aug. 2 442 2 enclosures | Sunderland J.W. Captain Sub Asst. Commissioner | Vouchers for postage for public service from Mch. 1st to July 31st $12.00 | Refd. to D.O. 8/3 |

| Aug. 2 443 2 enclosures | Moore Jno. D. Lieut. Sub Asst. Commissioner | Receipt rolls of Daniel W. Oliver, Clerk for June 1867 $100.00 | Refd. to D.O. 8/3. Sec 394 |

| Aug. 2 444 3 enclosures | Eldridge W.H. Bvt. Lt. Col. Sub Asst. Commissioner | Monthly return of Quartermasters Stores for July 1867. | Refd. to D.O. 8/3. |

| Aug 2d 445 3 enclosures | Alden A.S. Agent Sub Dist. Port Gibson | Report of persons and Articles hired and receipt rolls for his services for July 1867. $100.00 |

| Aug. 2d 446 3 enclosures | Whitney, John Lieut. Sub Asst., Commissioner | Report of Persons and Articles hired for May, June and July 1867. | Refd to D.O. 8/3 |

| Aug. 2 447 2 enclosures | Duncan, E.A, A.A. Surg. Surg-in-Chief | Vouchers for cash paid for postage for July 1867. $4.50 | Refd. to D.O. 8/3 |

| Aug. 2. 448 7 enclosures | Foster, Chas. A., A.A. Surg. Surg-in-charg. Bureau Hosp | Forwards Report of Persons and Articles for July 1867, also Receipt Roll of employees in Hospital for Month of July 1867. Vouchers for his services for July 1867, $100.00. Vouchers for services of P. Luhring A.A. Surg. for July 1867, $100.00 |

| Aug. 2 449 3 enclosures | Whitney John Lieut. Sub Asst. Commissioner | Monthly return of Quartermasters Stores for July 1867. | refd. to D.O. 8/3 |
[[/4 Columned Table]]


[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| Aug 2 450 | Gilbreath, E.C. Lieut. Sub Asst. Commissioner | Report of Persons and Articles hired for July 1867. | Refd. to D.O. who will give instructions for forwarding vouchers or receipt rolls 8/3. |

| Aug 2 451 10 enclosures | Wiseman Theo. Agent Sub-Dist Senatobia | Report of Persons and Articles hired for July 1867. Receipt rolls for his services from 25th June to 31st July $120.00 Vouchers for postage $4.20 Vouchers for room for office $34.66 Vouchers for horse hire $20.00 | Refd. to D.O. who will give Mr W. necessary instructions in the proper manner of making returns 8/3 |

| Aug. 3 452 2 enclosures | Alden A.S. Agent Sub-Dist. Port Gibson | Forwards vouchers for postage for July 1867. $4.00 | Refd. to D.O. 8/3 |

| Aug. 3 453 3 enclosures Recd Back with statement & returned to A.S. Alden. Transportation should be returned to this office for cancellation 8/29 | Alden A.S. Agent Sub-Dist. Port Gibson | Forwards vouchers for expenses incurred while traveling from Grand Gulf to Port Gibson Miss, by stage and no transportation could be had $2.50 | Ret. for information as to why the transportation furnished was not used. 8/3 |

| August 3d 453 5 enclosures | Penniman Henry N. Surg-in-charge Howard Hospital | Forwards rept. of persons and articles hired for July 1867. Receipt rolls of employees in Hosp. for July 1867. $230.00. Vouchers for his services for the month of July 1867 $100.00 |

| Aug. 3 454 2 enclosures | Pierce J. H. Bvt. Lt. Col. Disbursing Officer | Forwards vouchers in favor of John Allen for rent of building used as Post Hospital for month of July 1867. $50.00 | Ret. to D.O. 8/5 |

| Aug. 5 455 4 enclosures | Pease H.R. Supt. of Schools | Forwards vouchers for his services as Supt. of Schools for Miss. for month of July 1867. $150.00 Vouchers for expenses incurred while traveling on public business inspecting schools in July $44.00 | Refd. to D.O. 8/5 |

Transcription Notes:
e Ed. - Transcriber forgot number at upper right. Initials with periods can go together, like "A.A.A.G." or E.C. Gilbreath, or "D.O.". Name is F. LURHING, not SURHING. For some reason, there are two #453 on right side. It is not a mistake of the transcriber here.