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Aringdale, Lieut. J.B.,

5th U.S. Colored Artillery (Heavy)

[[footnote 1]] per SO 56., Par V., Hd Qrs., ND Miss., Sept 15. 1865.

[[footnote 2]] per S.O. 58., V. Hd Qrs, Dept of Miss, March 13. 1866.

[[footnote 3]] per S.O. 29. II. Office Asst Commr B.R.F. + A.L. Miss, March 10. 1866

Relieved and ordered to Reg't per S.O. 34, II. Office A.C., B.R.F & A.L. Miss, Mar 23./66

[[footnote 1]] Acting Sub-Commr
Panola, Miss. [[/footnote 1]]

[[footnote 2]] Detached [[/footnote 2]]

[[footnote 3]] Asst Sub Comr
Dist of Grenada [[/footnote 3]]

Transcription Notes:
changed "Sieut" to "Lieut" (Lieutenant)