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days & then saw a great many small schooners fishing. The water was a light blue color on the banks on account of its being shallow. In mid ocean it [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] is a dark blue. I spent a great deal of time looking over the side of the vessel watching the waves roll & dash into foam as the vessel would strike them & look beautifully blue as the sun would shine through them. It was very fine at night to see the Phosphorus sparkle in the water as it would dart by the side of the vessel. It is one of the greatest sights in the world to see an ocean steamer plough through the waves of the great Atlantic. After we had been out eleven days we all at once saw the dim outlines of land ahead of us & it grew more & more distinct till we could see the surf dash upon the rocks & see the hills look green with grass. The land we saw was the most Westerly point of Ireland where the cable is landed. We saw the tower where the European end [[strikethrough]] comes [[/strikethrough]] of the cable comes in & our steamer sent up her flags so the men in the tower would know her & the newspapers the next morning through out the civilized world published the arival of the Palmyra off Queenstown. We had but short time to see the Irish coast as it soon grew dark but it was