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Paris Oct 13th 1871

My Dear Bro

Your letter of Sept 14th with draft for 290 francs was duly rcd. Also yours of 24th Sept with duplicate draft. I also received a letter from Aunt Eliza several weeks ago which I have not yet responded. 

I was surprised to hear of the death of poor little Charley. He never was very strong. That Spaniard you spoke of has not yet [strike-through] been to [\strike-through] called on me. It will not be possible now for me to send a figure to that exhibition in Boston as I have been unfortunate and was obliged to recommence mine entirely. I will probably bring it myself and put it in the New York exhibition in April. I am coming home soon as I can get something  ready to bring for I see it is to my interest to do so. I am very nicely fixed here in my little studio which I have arranged to my taste and nothing would be more agreeable than to remain till after the French