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New York is the only possible place for me my profession is such a peculiar one. I hope Melville can get out to see you. Poor boy he is terribly tied down in that office and no thanks does he get for it. I wish he could get away but he is too prudent to risk anything which (prudence I mean) is an admirable virtue after all.  

It has been quite a cold winter so far and I have often wondered how you get along up there for it must be colder than here. I hope you have all been well. I have not seen Aunt Libby yet although I have seen all the children. I suppose you hear from them in one way or another. I seem to be quite out of the world this winter with my work on my hands for I dont seem to see any one except people I 

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dont care to see. But that is the way ones life seens to be made up. 

Well I wish you all a pleasant holiday time and I will be with you soon as I can [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] and with love to all I am
Affectionately Yours