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Transcription: [00:02:11]
[[People singing]]
{SPEAKER name="James Forman"}
I think all we should try is that all right cause its very Important
see because this man was killed at voter registrations drive
in a mi county Mississippi he was 52 years old and was trying to register voters he had a wife and 11 kids
and they threatened to kill him and they still persisted to try and get Negros to register to vote
and a state representative came up shot him cold blood
and he was left lying there for about 2 hours before anybody came to attempt-the man who shot him of course was completely exonerated or got free
and in Mississippi this song is very important
and its also important of other places of the movement so I think that perhaps we ought to try to learn the song and sing it again
and just want to rearrange some of the verses
that one got in front of the other
why don't we just say just say some of the words
we've been Buked and we've been scorned Everybody
I know some of the people can't sing but we can all say words.