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Transcription: [00:08:31]
{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Come home one day, and if you got anything in that pot put some freedom in there.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
And say we're gon' march. We're gon' march, and check on your kids and find out what do they do for freedom, before you lay a couple of that good stuff on them. Start putting some march juices on.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Jail ain't going to hurt nobody. Them white folks wouldn't hurt one of them negroes in there for nothing in the world, baby, because he knows how right that is.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Them negroes in jail got more white folks watching them all over this world than you have sitting out here, and you supposed to be freer than they are tonight.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Don't you know the one's the white folks hate are the ones they locked up in jail in a heart beat would blow up a church before he blow up on them jails with us in it?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Cos he knows he getting fewer right over there in that jail. You don't know what he getting when he blowin' up jails. That a sick day in hell where a man would blow up a church before he blow up a jail and know we in there.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
You know how white people in Selma just broke into jails and taking anybody out, anybody they want. Had a man just when was it 49 a man just killed a negro when he in jail.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
You remember that story? Do ya. Killed him dead gave [?] nobody know too much about it. You know what I'm talking about?

{SPEAKER name="Audience"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
In jail he was walking in killed him. So they been doing that, but they not doing [?]
Because all this man want to do is [?] for a few minutes, he know he can't kill him.

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Know he can't kill him. And everybody in there's coming out. So when you have to go to jail go. Go. Take your [?] and you polio and wrap [?] if you have to. Go on in there.

{SPEAKER name="Audience"}

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
Go on in there. You get more FBI agents over there probably can't sleep while you all in jail here. Do you know that?

{SPEAKER name="Speaker 1"}
People calling in every five minutes, tell them what's happening. How else you going to get the president's brother to have your name on his desk. I tell you go to jail, your name be on his desk in the morning.