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of doors. He always has enjoyed being outside so much. I am glad that he is sleeping and eating well. 

Who is going to paint the old place, Louie Dykeman? I imagine that he would be the most reliable person that you could get. I was looking at a large house that was painted just last year, and noticed that the paint has already changed so much that you would think it had not been done for some time. I suppose that the paint was not what it should have been, yet it must have cost just as much to put on as it would to put on good. When it was first done it looked extra well too. 

I am glad that you have your windows and doors attended to. Do you remember how we got them done last year. Poor Mr. Holmes, he was not strong enough to do what he did. I feel so sorry that you and he cannot now enjoy what you have. You have worked hard enough for it, and been good to others. It is hard to see why he should have had this affliction come upon him. I still hope that something will cause it to pass and leave him in peace as he was formerly, even though he never feels strong enough to work again. 

I suppose that the weather has been too warm for you, but I enjoyed it tremendously. Today has been too cold for my comfort.

Madeleine and the baby are still here. The baby loves to "play the typewriter". I suspect that they are having a hard time down stairs to keep her from coming up here when she hears me working on it. She is a dear child and a very bright one. Yesterday on her way downstairs after her nap, she asked what I had been doing. I told her that I had been making some clippings. Someone asked her if she knew what clippings were and she said that the barber made clippings. We thought that she was pretty clever. Then the other day her mother or grandmother was taking a swinging leg exercise, and she began doing it also. Finally she stopped, and- rubbing her hips- said, "I am aching from my ankles way up to my clavicle." The last word she learned when she was a tiny little thing.

Well, I guess that I have jabbered enough for one time. I hope that you will take care of yourselves and get as much pleasure out of life as you can, both of you.

Love, Lena.