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Sunday Evening
May 15, 1932

Dear Folks,
   I hope that you have been out doors enjoying this lovely day. I went for a walk in the late after-noon, and got some more wild oats - a few full-bloom wind flowers, and some branches of apple blossoms. The little flowers I wet and put in the ice chest, and the apple blossoms I have distributed. I gave some to Mrs Pettengill, I put two lots in Miss Garlands room - two in the kitchen-

one in a large yellow glass pitcher against a yellow wall- they are beautiful - and one I have in my room- I got them from what I suppose is a wild apple tree. 
   Yesterday Miss Garland and I went in to Boston to hear Meredith Read (Ethel M. Reed) B.U. 1913, who has written a widely acclaimed novel - "The Glory Trail" - read from the book and talk. I believe she has been a teacher in Brockton. Probably both Doris and Ilga know her well.
   After the reading, which was held at the Women's Republican Club on Beacon Street, I took Miss Garland up Chestnut Street to Louisburg Sq- and down to Charles Street where we had supper at the New England Kitchen, and there walked over to the Public Garden to see the tulips. They