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up to show Miss Garland and me.  She saw a fire chief for the first time yesterday also.  His brass buttons were quite an attraction.  When her grandmother told her who he was, she said, "Fire chief, - handkerchief," and yesterday afternoon when Mrs. P  was putting her to bed for her nap, and having her say her little prayer and God-bless different ones, Edith said of her own accord, "God bless the handkerchief man."

John Hollis went home for the Easter vacation.  I hardly thought he would make the long trip for so short a time, but I imagine Berenice was anxious to see how he was getting along, whether he was keeping well etc.  Bunny had an upset about a week ago and scared Berenice, for there is a lot of Scarlet Fever around it seems.  I do hope she catches nothing for Berenice wears herself out working and worrying when anything is the matter with either of the children.