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Miss Garland went home to-day for Good Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Gordon comes home from college to-morrow night. Madeleine, Bert, and the baby, otherwise known as Edith, come Saturday, and Vernon comes, I suppose, within a day or two. I also expect Mary Ida out for a little while Saturday, so you see life promises to hum and be more or less interesting for the next week. Vernon and Bert - Madeline's husband - will return Sunday to their work, I imagine. Both Gordon and Brum have lady loves on whom they dance attendance, so are out a good deal even when at home,- Gordon especially, since he sees his sweetheart so seldom. Brum, however, has his in Lincoln - the same town where he is, so she is not quite such a novelty to him. He has had her home twice. She teaches and is a very quiet, nice girl. I have already spoken for the privilege of taking care of Edith while her grandmother, mother, and father go to church Sunday. I am anticipating a good time with her.

To-day I made candy for John Hollis and Theodore and sent it off. I make J. H's. first.