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13 Pomeworth St., Stoneham, Mass
Feb. 5, 1932

Dear Folks,

Your letters came a day or so ago. It did seem good to get them, a real feast!

I wonder how you are after the snow storm. I think that we must have got about a foot, don't you? Mr. Pettengill and his men have been busy shoveling out a good part of the day.

The town plow went by sometime during the night I guess, for it was all clean in the street when I got up this morning. 

I went in town yesterday after-noon to meet Lula and go with her doing a little shopping, and then I came home and went to the movies with Mrs. Pettengill and a friend of hers to see George Arliss in "Old English." I thought I did pretty well considering the fact that I have been having a sick headache for about three days now. I was substituting in Winchester Tuesday, and got a good fall when I came