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out that set it going. I hadn't been feeling very well anyway, and the teaching always makes me worse, so I guess I shall say I won't substitute any more.

By the way, I got a letter from the Writer's Digest a week or so ago saying an article I had sent them was accepted and that I would receive a check when it was published. I was glad of that.

I am sorry that Mrs. Cuthing is feeling so unhappy. I have been intending to answer the very nice letter she wrote me. I hope that she won't feel that she will have to leave Doris in order to be nearer her own folks. Perhaps she will feel better as spring comes on. Just think the days are already over an hour longer than they were!

How are Maud and Ralph? I suppose they come in regularly.

I am sorry that you can't get a little time off by yourself. Can't you tell Mr. Holmes that the house is his and that no one can nor wants to, put him out of it. It is too bad that he is afraid of things and of what is going to happen, when he could be so secure in his own home.

I thought that the molasses candy might help physic along. The petrolager is not enough by itself. I take that as a lubricant, but have to take Zilatone too.

Love, Lena.

Transcription Notes:
Zilatone Tablets for Liver, Bile, and Bowel Functions.